Chapter 58

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Author's Note:
Season 8, here we go!
The sailing to White Harbor was mercifully smooth for Alanna. The carriage ride to Winterfell however was not. Jon and Daenerys rode on horseback ahead of Alanna, Tyrion and Varys who road in the carriage.
The makeshift carriage, that must have been made from an old wagon, hit every bump and dip in the road and was very uncomfortable. But Alanna was comforted by the smell of snow and cold air of her home. Tyrion on the other hand was freezing his balls off and he made it his mission to let his wife and Varys know that. The Unsullied soldiers lead the procession towards Winterfell as Northerners lined the path as they watched in silence as the foreign legion marched through as their king and the Mother of Dragons road past.
The silence of the Northerners made Alanna a bit nervous and it must have shown because Tyrion took her gloved hand in his and squeezed it. She gave him a small smile and looked out the window and did a double take because she could have sworn she saw Arya's face in the crowd, but she shook it off.
"You should consider yourself lucky." Tyrion said to Varys who eyed him suspiciously, "At least your balls won't freeze off." Alanna rolled her eyes at her husband's words.
"You take great offense at dwarf jokes, but love telling eunuch jokes. Why is that?" Varys asked.
"Because I have balls, and you don't." Tyrion replied. Alanna shot him a glare,
"You won't have any if you continue complaining." She growled. Tyrion immediately fell silent, knowing that it wouldn't be wise to anger his pregnant wife, a pregnant wife who is very handy with a blade.

Soon the party passed through the gates of Winterfell castle and Alanna was itching to get out of the carriage and see her family. She saw Jon all but jump off his horse at the sight of Bran in his chair next to Sansa and immediately embraced him, then hugged Sansa, who eyed the Targaryen queen.
"Is she here?" Sansa asked Jon looking around the Targaryen party for her sister. Jon smiled and turned to the carriage, "Alanna." He called. Alanna felt her heart race as Tyrion opened the carriage door for her and helped her out. Alanna's eyes fell immediately on her sister, who's eyes filled with tears and rushed towards her. Alanna and Sansa collided with each other and hugged one another tightly as they wept. Alanna pulled away first and held Sansa's face in her hands drinking in the sight of her.
"Oh my jewel, you've grown. You're so beautiful."
Sansa gave her a watery smile as she leaned into her sister's hands and squeezed them,
"I've missed you so, so much. Look at you, your glowing." Sansa cried as she saw her sister's large belly.
Alanna noticed her sister's gaze and smiled, "Yes, you and Arya are going to aunts in a few days. Where is she?"
"Lurking somewhere I suppose." Sansa answered. Alanna smiled at her sister's tone, somethings never change. She then turned to her little brother embraced and kissed him.
"Oh Bran, look at you. You're all grown up. My little brother is a man." She said as tears slid down her face. Bran smiled slightly,
"Almost." Bran said, and his eyes fell to her belly, "The bridge between our houses." He said with a smile. Alanna smiled and nodded. She then turned to Daenerys and held out a hand to her signaling for her to approach.
"Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen. My sister, Sansa Stark, the Lady of Winterfell." Alanna introduced.
Sansa looked at her sister with a look in her eyes that said "not anymore".
"Thank you for inviting us into your home, Lady Stark. The North is as beautiful as your brother and sister claimed, as are you." Daenerys said with a genuine smile. Sansa eyed Alanna, who nodded, then looked at Daenerys,
"Winterfell is yours, Your Grace." Sansa said.
"We don't have time for all this. The Night King has your dragon. He's one of them now. The Wall has fallen, the dead march south." Bran told them. Alanna looked from Bran to Sansa who nodded gravelly.
Everyone gathered in the Great Hall, Alanna and Tyrion sat beside Jon and Sansa, while Daenerys stood behind them by the great fireplace.
"As soon as we heard about the Wall, I called all our banners to retreat to Winterfell." Sansa told the whole hall. "Lord Umber..." she called and a little brother stuck his head our from behind the men sitting beside him, "when can we expect your people to arrive?" Sansa asked. The little boy, no older than ten, stood and stepped towards the Stark table,
"We need more horses and wagons, if it please my lady." He said to Sansa, he then looked at Jon, "And my lord." He then looked at Alanna, "And my lady." He then blushed as he looked at Daenerys, "And my Queen. Sorry."
Alanna smiled at the boy and his politeness, "You'll have as many as we can spare. Hurry back to Last Hearth and bring your people here." Alanna told him. She quickly turned to Sansa with an apologetic look, Sansa smiled at her, letting her know that it was alright for her to answer. Daenerys sat down between Jon and Alanna, who smiled at her queen.
"We need to send ravens to the Night's Watch as well. There's no sense in manning the castles anymore. We make our stand here." Jon told the master, who nodded,
"At once, Your Grace."
""Your Grace"." Repeated the young Lady Layanna Mormont, as she got to her feet and stood before Jon, "But you're not. Are you? You left Winterfell a king and came back a– I'm not sure what you are now. A lord? Nothing at all?" She asked as the people around her started murmuring.
"It's not important." Jon told her.
"Not important? We named you King in the North." She said firmly and the men around her exclaimed in agreement, some with shouts of "King in the North!" Alanna, Jon and Sansa looked at each other.
"You did, my lady. It was the honor of my life. I'll always be grateful for your faith. But when I left Winterfell, I told you we need allies or we will die." Jon said getting to his feet as Lady Mormont took her seat again. "I have brought those allies home to fight alongside us. I had a choice, keep my crown or protect the North. I chose the North." Jon told them. People still murmured around them in disagreement. Tyrion stood up from his chair beside Alanna and addressed the hall,
"If anyone survives the war to come, we'll have Jon Snow to thank. He risked his life to show us the threat is real. Thanks to his courage, we have brought with us the greatest army the world has ever seen. We have brought two full grown dragons. And soon, the Lannister army will ride north to join our cause." At these words the whole hall erupted in angry shouts and grumblings. Sansa looked at Alanna in shocked disbelief, and Alanna shrugged sheepishly. Tyrion went on,
"I know, I know, our people haven't been friends in the past. But we must fight together now... or die." Alanna nodded in agreement with her husband's words.
Lord Yohn Royce stood up and looked directly at Alanna,
"And what of you, Lady Stark? Or is it Lady Lannister? Are you still loyal to the North, your home, your family? Are has your marriage to a lion changed your views since you now carry his child?" Royce asked as he glared at Tyrion and the hall murmured in agreement with him as some banged on the table. Jon was about to stand up again and opened his mouth in protest, but Alanna grabbed his arm to stop him and slowly got to her feet, her face hard. 
"I may be married to a lion of Casterly Rock, my lord, but me and my children will always be wolves of Winterfell, and if you or anyone else have any problems with that you can tell me directly." She said her tone was oddly calm but there was a underlying danger to it that made the whole hall go quiet. Alanna smirked,
"That's exactly what I thought. I am still my father's daughter, my lords, and I am and always with be a Stark." She added strongly and she sat back down in her seat as Tyrion came back to his. He sat down beside her, took her hand and kissed it. Sansa smiled and looked at her brother-in-law,
"Now that that is settled, may I ask how are we meant to feed the greatest army the world has ever seen? While I ensured our stores would last through winter, I didn't account for Dothraki, Unsullied and two full grown dragons. What do dragons eat, anyway?" Sansa asked.
"Whatever they want." Daenerys answered and the two women looked at each other. Alanna could see the distrust and dislike in Sansa's eyes.

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