Chapter 1: A Spa Day & Goodbyes

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Kayla stirred awake.
I let out a heavy sigh and fluttered my eyes open, but squinted immediately when I was faced by the beaming sun. I sloppily spun to my side and slightly lifted my head off the pillow. I tapped the face of my phone and it lit up instantly.


Phew. I smiled slightly, I still had about 10 minutes of sleep before I had to get up and get ready for the salon.
10 minutes of fussing later I angrily opened my eyes. I hadn't been able to go back to sleep, I had way too much on my mind, stupid trip. I was never one for trips by myself, nonetheless a 6 month one. I sat upright, I leant on my left arm, rubbing my forehead with my right. I let out a yawn and threw the blanket over my slightly shivering legs. I put on my slippers and slowly walked towards the bathroom.

I washed my face and looked in the mirror, my reflection beaming back at me. Hm, I thought and titled my head slightly, I didn't look as bad as I usually do in mornings, but even if I did, I was going to have a full spa day to myself. I gave a slight shimmy, suddenly getting excited at the thought, to admit I had needed a spa day since the beginning of the final college year but I was way too busy to even think about it. After I brushed my teeth I headed to the dressing room, where I picked out simple black leggings and a baggy hoody; I'm pretty sure they would give me pajamas there anyway.
       I was running slightly late, I quickly brushed my hair so I could look at least somewhat acceptable and rubbed lotion onto her palms, unplugged my phone from the charger and packed it into my rose gold shoulder bag, along with my purse, hand sanitizer and lipgloss.
After stopping by to grab a coffee and croissant(I was already getting into the French spirit), I reached the salon. I carefully pushed open the door which made a string with a little bell ring on top of me. Creative. The receptionist looked up from her papers and welcomed her with a warm smile. I took in my surroundings, it looked small at first but I knew there was more behind doors. There was a leather sofa, a lamp, a small coffee table and a nail painting area on one side, on the opposite wall there were multiple doors, each with a different label on it.
She smiled and walked to the reception.
"I would just like some simple nails, baby pink and baby blue?" I said to the nail artist, I hadn't thought this through at home and knew I was blushing, even though it wasn't that big of a deal. "Sure ma'am," the nail artist replied kindly.
      Kayla drifted into her thoughts of life in France for 6 months, the food, the people, buildings, the Eiffel tower...
     A couple minutes later, I was back at the reception. After I payed and retrieved my credit card, I hopped back into my small car with a grateful and relaxed sigh. I recalled the events at the salon, they gave me a massage, let me have a private bath, thoroughly cleaned and straightened my hair and gave me many spa supplies, which were all helpful.
By 8PM that night, I was standing at my parents appartment doorway wearing a yellow summer dress, with one big suitcase and a travel bag.  Mom and Dad were getting teary eyed while showering me with hugs and kisses. "Take care sweets," mom said. "I will mom u told me a thousand times," I replied, playfully rolling my eyes. I always loved when mom and dad said that, and couldn't help but smile. I looked at dad. "We'll miss your pups," he said, giving her a pat on the back. "I'll miss you too," Kayla chocked out trying not to cry. Finally I gave the friends that had come to see me some last hugs and stepped out onto the driveway. Everyone was grouped up at the door, watching me leave, triggering some anxiety. I hastily walked to my Uber and opened the door. The only thing I could manage to say without breaking down was "Hello,". They eventually had small talk on the way to the airport and she thanked him for the ride, giving him a tip before flagging down a worker so he could help her move the suitcase and travel bag to a trolly.

She was heading to France. She was heading to a new life. A new chapter. A new story. A horror story.

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