Chapter 2: Tiara Holdings

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As soon as the plane departed, Kayla felt crippling anxiety, she felt like she had made a terrible mistake to go on this trip, a gut feeling telling her something was goanna go wrong.

I looked out the window and placed my hand on it, dramatically sliding it down which made a squeaky noise. I wanted to cry out for my parents, tell them to bring me home.

Her breathing got worse and she felt like the air got thick. She was having a panic attack. Her hands began to temple.

I tried to remember what my doctor told me to do, count, and..YES! I got an anxiety pen with me.
  Around 1 hour later, the plane landed safely, much to Kayla's relief.
I awkwardly clutched the bands of my mini backpack like a little kid as I shaking-ly got off the plane. That was a once in a lifetime experience to travel with no one I knows. At least for Me, I vow never to do it again.
A quarter of an hour later, Kayla walked to the greeting section to find Rose. She hadn't told Meghan about traveling to France as she wanted to surprise her, so she got in touch with a close freind who lived in Paris, Rose also suggested for Kayla to live in her apartment for the time being, which Kayla gladly accepted.

I looked around, wrapping my arms around myself, it was always so cold in the airport, I'll never understand why. Then I spotted her, wearing a yellow blouse and some ripped jeans, waving her hands my way. I ran towards her and enveloped her in a hug.
"K!! HOW ARE YOU? HOW HAVE YOU BEEN!" Rose exclaimed excitedly. "I'm great! How about you," I replied after pulling away from the hug. "Good thanks, busy getting used to my new job-, will you look at that! We're both wearing yellow!," Rose pointed out.
It was one of the things I loved about Rose, she always noticed the small details.
1 hour later, we arrived at a large building. In cursive, written about 13 feet off the ground, was Tiara Holdings. The building was tall and wide, pale pink walls, windows lining vertically and horizontally all over the building, encrusted with gold paint. There were two guards wearing leather clothes on either side of the large white gates, a red carpet to lead them in.
"Wow'" I gasped before I could stop myself.
"You and me both had the same reaction, was in total shock when I first saw it," Rose replied with a laugh.
After a long tour where Rose explained where the lobby, dining area and bathrooms were, I felt like I could sleep for days, a yawn from Rose while we were on the elevator confirmed she felt the same.
She reached apartment number 58 on the 2nd floor, Rose unlocked the door and gave Kayla a spare key.
Rose showed me to my room where the workers had already put my suitcase and other stuff. I would unpack later.
"You can have a shower and we'll order food, then you can go to sleep, today was a long day," Rose said understandingly.
Thank god I had friends like her. "Thanks Ro," I replied.
I took a good long shower and wore some silk pajamas, brushed my teeth and washed my face. On my way out of the bathroom I took a moment to look around my new room. There was a good sized bed with a wooden bedside table next to it, a lamp, small desk, wardrobe and even a tv on the opposite wall of the bed. The floor was wooden, a fluffy carpet covering half the floor from under the bed. I sat at the end of the bed and took my anxiety pills.

I heard a small knock on the door, then Rose peeped her head through the oak wood door. "Hey," Rose greeted as she walked in. I patted the empty space next to me so she could sit.
"I'm starving, I'm guessing you are too, let's order some food,"
After flicking through the menu I decided on a Chicken burger and strawberry juice and Rose decided to get pizza and lemonade.
She rung the lobby and ordered the food, we caught up with each other while the food arrived.
There was 3 knocks on the door.
"That must me the food," Rose said dreamily.
She abruptly got up and opened the door.
"Hi ma'am!" The man said enthusiastically. I hear my stomach grumble as he led the trolly inside.
After Rose paid him and he left, I immediately opened my food and took a bite out of the burger. I relaxed my shoulders as Rose sat down next to my and opened up the pizza box. But there wasn't just pizza inside.

Inside was something that would change both or their lives for ever. For the worse.

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