The Crossdresser And The Jock Part 2

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2 weeks later harry and louis are still going strong but Jason and his friends are still bullying louis and trying to mess with him and  touching him that day in the morning LOUIS HARRYS HERE WAKE UP just go up love thanks jay once harry gets to louis's room he sees louis still sleeping louis babe time to wake up we have school in 30 minutes NO I DONT WANNA GO why not is it because of Jason and his crew louis nods aww babe its ok ill protect you ok louis nods again ok good now get dressed and don't bother binding today b-but everyone is gonna laugh at me no they will not , not while im with you ok I trust you once louis gets up from his bed and gets out the shower he gets himself ready and he finds a nice pair of black skinny jeans with a white crop top and a white net cardigan with a pair of black high-tops and a nice watch and a neckless ok im ready can we go now OMG louis you look stunning and your boobs omg im dying oh shut up styles can we go now yea sure BYE MUM BYE LOU BYE HARRY BYE JAY once they arrive at school louis is very nervous he has never went to school with out his binder hey lou are you alright yea im fine good lets go.

They get out of harrys car and walk hand in hand to louis's locker harry I feel like everyone is staring at me there not just stay calm ok harry leans down and kisses him on the lips better much thanks hazza during the school day louis was getting annoyed again by Jason and his friends now its lunch time and louis made sure harry had a hold of his lunch and he was about to go meet him on the field until Jason and alex stops him woah where are you little lady leave me alone Jason you do this every day and it gets very annoying wow this one has a big mouth for a short person maybe its from all the dick hes be sucking alex says with a laugh hey Jason what do you think we should do today with him well its been hours since I saw some tits so lets see how big or small tomlinsons are louis starts to tear up no please don't touch me aww is little Tomlinson crying don't worry we wont leave any marks or maybe 1 then Jason grabs louis and takes him to the boys bathroom and pins louis to the wall while alex pulls off his cardigan and pulls down his white crop top reveling his lace white bra. 

Wow Tomlinson how much did you pay to get thease don't I-I didn't please l-let me go not a chance then Jason pushes louis against the wall causing louis to butt dial harry hello louis on the other line now stay there Jason puts his hands on louis boobs though the bra oh yea Tomlinson they are big p-please stop I don't l-like it harry hears everything but by the time he gets to the boys bathroom louis is on the floor crying trying to cover his boobs  babe are you alright how did you know I was in here you butt dialled me im sorry I shouldn't have left you on your own im so sorry can you tell me what happened then louis looks up at hary while harry wraps his jacket around louis w-well I was on my way to meet you when Jason and alex stoped me and they called me small and Jason said he wanted to see my boobs because its been hours since he seen boobs and when I tried to walk away he and alex grabed me and pulled me into here and alex took off my cardigan and my top and Jason put his hands on me and asked me how much I payed to get my boobs done but I igorurd him then they started to grope me then he threw me on the ground then you arrived. 

Aww babe im sorry I sould of lisend to you about the binder next time you want to wear the binder you can i wont stop you It dosnt matter now can you just cuddle me sure they sat on the bathroom floor till the end of lunch and that's when harry got louis dressed again and they both had English so they walked to English by the end of the day louis invited harry back to his where they can watch movies and eat ice cream um louis I know you don't like sports but I was thinking if you wanted to go to my next football game sure I would love that even better stay here ill be back in 5 minutes louis hops off the sofa and runs to his room and makes a HARRY IS THE BEST sign and gets undressed and puts on a pair of matt white heels to go with this white lace panties and bra then he shouts HARRY COME UP STAIRS I WANNA SHOW YOU SOMTHING then once harry comes up to louis's room he sees him half naked with a sign and heels omg yay harrys the best go harry you made that for me yes and do you like what im wearing.

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