Mysterious v o i c e

144 2 12

"Hey? You alive?..."

That's the first thing you have heard this morning. The weird thing was that, you have never been in such a soft bed. Nor did u heard that persons voice ever before. You were scared and confused at the same time, while thinking it's just a dream and you will soon wake up.

"W-What?..."- you say in a sleepy voice while slowely opening your eyes, and seeing a black figure staring at you.
"Oh god, You have made me worried! I thought u were dead! - a girl said a bit giggling and patting your head.

You were shocked. You thought it was all just a dream but- you have felt the girls warm hand patting your head. Something wasn't right... Where am i? And how.. Who is that girl?
You suddenly jump off the bed with frightened eyes, staring at the girl.
„W-Where- Where am i?" you said with fear, looking at the girl.
„Oh this- This is your new home! My mum Isabella have found u in the woods injured. She had no idea what has happend to you. She took you here anyways, Isn't she amazing!" - the girl said while jumping a little with a wide smile.

You were so scared and confused at this point. Why were you even here? (DUH FOR UR HUSBAND OFC BESTAY🙄💯) And in fact, who are those people...
The girl is around 12 years old, she has ginger fluffy hair, beautiful smile and freckles. She is in fact really pretty. One thing was off tho. Why does she have  weird numbers on her neck, is it a symbol of something?

„Wh-Why am i here..."- You asked her with confusion
„Oh? thats pretty simple really. We have decided for u to join our amazing family ! Since my mother doesnt know if u have any relatives, she decided to get you here!- the girl said while jumping with happiness.
"Dont you have any other purposes really.. it seems like kidnapping."- you said with cold voice

The girl looked a bit confused and then started to smile a little. She was probably thinking what to say

"O-Oh, of course not you dummy!- she smirked. We just want to make you feel good in our household"

This seems suspicious. Why do they wanna do that in the first place?- you thought. But oh well, since the girl seems nice. Why not to get to know her a little more?
"Hey so um... Whats your name?" - you said
"Oh? My name? Its Emma! - she smiled.  Nice to meet you! Whats your name? - she shook your hand with pleasure
„its y/n..."
„Pleasure to meet you! i hope we can get along!"- Emma said.
You smirked a little and looked around the room you were in. You saw around 15 beds around you. Why so many?
„Emma- Why is there so many beds in here?" you looked at her
„Oh well its for all my siblings too fit you know. I have 28 siblings you know!"
„2-28!?😃"You gasped. How is that even possible?
„We have another room for another 13 beds tho!"
You couldnt believe what you were hearing. is she for real?- (SHAWTY WHAT DID YOU SAYY😃)
"Emma how is that possible?"- you said with confusion
"Well you see- In This Grace Field house, all of the children weren't really borned by My mother- Isabella. She just takes care of all of us, until the day we get adopted!- Emma smiled. "Ah i cant wait for that day to come" - She said will sitting on the bed. "Every one of us has to wait until the day we turn 13, to finally get adopted" - she said.
"W-Wow"-you said with impression."that's incredible from what your mother is doing"- you said with big eyes. But then another question pooped out from your head. What about the numbers?
"What about the numbers?"- you said while pointing out on Emmas neck
Emma took a look  at her neck, she touched it slightly.
"Oh well... I dont know really. Mum said its nothing but. I for real don't know." - Emmas voice started to come of as worrying or stressing.
"You have it now too tho" - the girl said.
"W-WHAT!?" - you shouted and turned to the nearest mirror around. You saw a number on your neck.
"isnt that cool tho? That means ur part of our family! - she smiled. "I'll introduce You to All my siblings!
You stared at the numbers on your neck for a while, thinking if they have any meaning. After a while , you turned to the girl and smiled.

"A-Alright then." - You said


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