【Playing Tag】

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Its the thing you've heard all night from the clock above your bed, while you were trying to sleep. It was 3 am. You wanted to sleep , but your eyes didnt even mange to close themselves. You were overthinking the incident that happened between you and Ray. Emotions of yours, were still so big and its been about 5 hours after that. You were happy that he apologized but.. did somebody forced him to? or did he do it from your own will.- that thought was eating you. Still that weird feeling was with you.. what is it? ..Still no clue. (LOVE BBG😩🤏)
Everyone around you were already asleep, since like 11pm. Your bed was next to both Emma and Norman. You felt a bit sad that Ray had his bad far away- so you couldnt look at him.. wait... WHY WOULD I THINK OF THAT - you thought and punched yourself,
Thats creepy, why would i ever want to do that...
He really messed with my head. - you thought and tried to fall asleep .
After about an hour , you managed to do that.

BIM BOM BIM BOOOOM (yes i know nice sound effects- its a clock btw☠️)
The clock has woken you up while u were still very tired- you yawned and checked what hour was it ..
"8am.."- you said annoyed. I barely got 4 hours of sleep. - you thought. You looked around and saw nobody in the room. They all woke up and went for breakfast. You wanted to go back to bed but you heared fast foot steps coming towards you.
Who is it?
Ginger haired girl opened the door while giving a piggy back ride to one of the youngest children (YES SCENE FROM ANIME STFU I HAVE NO IDEAS)
"Guod Murnin' y/n!!!"- Emma babbled cheerfully

Who is it?Ginger haired girl opened the door while giving a piggy back ride to one of the youngest children (YES SCENE FROM ANIME STFU I HAVE NO IDEAS)"Guod Murnin' y/n!!!"- Emma babbled cheerfully

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o-oh... good morning Emma- you said with a tired voice.. where is everyone-
"Everyone are already downstairs eating breakfast, you're the only one who slept so much!- she said
"Ok...im coming for breakfast then. - you said and went downstairs while Emma was following you.

You and Emma came to the big table with lots of food , and children were sitting on the chairs ,eating their meals. You noticed Ray talking with Norman while they were sitting on their seats. Ray always has a common facial expression, so it was hard to tell if he is angry, sad or happy. While norman looked happy, pretty much like always. White haired boy spotted you and Emma and waved to both of you with a pure smile.( yes im Norman and Emma supremacy 🛐)
Ray only looked at you and gave you a little smile.
While you and Emma approached them, you stared at Ray .
There were 2 seats left, one next to Norman and the other next to Ray
You approached the chair next to Ray. You thought you could talk about that thing from yesterday, but when you were almost at the chair ,you felt a hand touching your arm. You turned around and saw Norman
He smiled and said "Hey maybe you would like to sit next to me?"
Um- uh..
u looked back at Ray and saw he isnt very happy either, although , Norman is so sweet and kind that you cant reject him like that. Besides, Its just breakfast right?
You smiled back to Norman and said "Alright Norman" sitting on the seat next to him.
White haired boy smiled and looked at Ray In kind of a creepy way. Why was he like that?- you thought.
"Alright then lets eat!" - Emma said excited and she took the food on the table on her plate
"Emma you fat pig- Ray laughed. Leave something for me!- he said still laughing
You started to giggle too cuz you knew it was sarcastic 💀
Emma said in a playful way and laughed while continuing to eat.
"Hey guys - why dont we play tag after breakfast huh? like we always do - Ray said and started to look at you
"Great idea Ray- Norman said. Its a good idea for y/n to play tag with us for the first time - Norman said and turned his head towards you, giving you a warm smile.
"Wooho! alright then!- Emma said. but- Norman and Ray better not be the tag😭
"Why is that?" - you asked
"They are both too good in this gameee! - Emma said and pushed her head on the table. They always defeat everyonee..
Ray smiled a little and looked at you
" I hope i will be the tag so i could catch all of you and y/n in it"- he said smirking
"Yeah right.. I bet im better then you at this one. You wont have a chance - you said
Ray giggled
"Yeah right..."
He moved his head closer to yours
"We will see."

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