Meetings, and Mistakes

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~3rd POV~
The red-head stomped up the steps dragging her annoyed companion behind her. She wore a black shirt with a black leather jacket and black pants and shoes. A katana hung on her back and throwing knives at her sides.
"Come on Tiz! Hurry up!"
The blonde girl sighed as they got to the top. The blonde girl wore a kitty jacket with her hood pulled up, a white t-shirt, and a denim skirt with brown fur boots. She had headphones on but wasn't listening to the music. They froze as a scene unfolded before them.
"Black Star get down," a boy yelled, "You are going to make the school asymmetrical! Again!"
The boy was looking up at one of the spikes protruding from the DWMA.
"I am the almighty Black Star! I will surpass God! You puny humans can't beat me!"
The blonde started forward. Her partner transformed into a kunai and, in one fluid motion, the blonde threw the kunai in the direction of the shouting. Her face was expressionless as she paused a few feet away from the entrance. A blue haired boy landed on his face with a thud, and the red head was in a crouched position. She stood, grinned, and threw a fist in the air.
"Nailed it!"
A white haired boy and another blonde girl approached. The boy spoke first.
"I'm not quite sure if that was cool or not."
The girl smiled as the red head joined her meister.
"He's kidding. You guys were amazing."
The two new students looked at each other. The red head spoke.
"Thanks. By the way I'm Mae and this is Tiz."
Tiz held up a peace sign, her face still expressionless. The blonde girl nodded.
"I'm Maka and this is my weapon Soul."
Soul mimicked Tiz's actions. She rolled her eyes. She heard footsteps but paid no attention.
"That's Black Star on the ground and-- Maka where's Tsubaki?"
Maka shrugged. Tiz looked over at the owner of the voice. It was the boy who was yelling at Black Star. He had black hair with three white stripes on one side. He stared at her for a moment. Golden orbs burning into blue. He blinked.
"I'm Death the Kid, or just Kid."
Tiz turned and stalked off toward the door, leaving Mae with them. She watched as her meister left and turned back to the group. Mae sighed.
"Sorry. She's not very talkative around new people. Don't worry though, I'm sure she'll warm up very soon."
"Oh well."
Kid cocked his head.
"So are you guys new to the E.A.T. class?"
Mae, surprised by the question, laughed.
"Us? In E.A.T.? Yeah, right."
Kid glanced at Tiz who leaned against the wall by the door. She was zoned out and listening to her music. He shrugged.
"Well with that little feat, you definitely should be."
Mae shook her head, her eyes on Kid.
"Well Tiz, yeah. She's the one who does most of the fighting."
Kid's eyes locked onto Tiz's. She stayed expressionless, even when Mae wandered over. Mae grabbed her arm and tugged Tiz inside the building.
Mae and Tiz wandered the school only to be stopped by a teacher who had a screw in his head. He looked at them as he cranked the screw.
"Why aren't you in class?"
Tiz stared at him as Mae found her shoes interesting. She sighed.
"We were, um, lost, sir."
"Well just follow me then. I saw your little stunt and it just so happened that Lord Death did too. You've been moved to the Crescent Moon class. I am your teacher, Professor Stein."
Mae smiled and introduced herself and Tiz. They followed him to class. Mae automatically groaned when she saw Black Star sitting in a seat. Tiz sat beside Kid and Mae, a seat below her. Stein began class and Tiz took out a piece of paper and a pencil. A few minutes later, Stein called her name. She looked up.
"Are you listening?"
Tiz nodded as Mae looked at her paper. A fire breathing dragon was pictured on it in full detail.
"She's taking notes."
Kid looked at the drawing in awe but his gaze was drawn to Tiz. She still had her headphones on but the music was off. Mae noticed him staring and made a note of it. She smirked mischievously.
After class, Mae cornered Kid. Tiz had left with Maka. Mae grinned.
"You like her, don't you?"
Kid's face became bright red as he blushed furiously.
"What? No! I mean, how can I like a girl I've just met?"
He ran out of the room, leaving Mae behind laughing.
"Because you like my best friend."
Mae arrived in the cafeteria to find her friend being annoyed by none other than Black Star. Tiz was trying to read when Black Star made his mistake. He took Tiz's headphones. Mae sprinted over and tackled Tiz to the ground. She held the angry girl down as best as she could. Then Tiz startled everyone when she yelled.
Mae felt as if she'd been shot in the chest as she flew off of Tiz. She groaned in pain.
"Tiz! Come with me."
They all turned to see Stein. Tiz stormed after him seething with rage. Mae stood, and pulled the headphones out of a surprised Black Star's hands. She hit him over the head.
"Idiot! It's one thing to annoy her, but to take her music away? It's one of the few things that keeps her calm."
Mae grabbed Tiz's bag and went to find the meister. Black Star was speechless for the first time in his life. What's this feeling he had for the red headed girl? It wasn't hate. It never had been. This feeling was more along the lines of interest.

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