Tiz's Backstory

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-8 Years Ago-
Tiz glared at her father.
"Why am I not allowed to see her? I've never even met my damn mother!"
"Watch your language young lady! You are eight years old, why do you even care?"
Tiz huffed and stormed out of her house. She heard an explosion and ran toward it. There, in the middle of the forest, lie two figures. One had jet black hair, the other had brown. The brunette attacked the black haired girl, flipping her onto her back.
"You are not fit to be like us!"
The black haired girl spat in the brunette's face.
"It's not like I had a choice! Make me human, a mortal. I don't care."
Tiz watched in horror as the brunette took out a kunai and stabbed the other girl in the heart. She stood up and smiled.
"Now, father will be pleased. The problem child is gone for good."
The brunette disappeared as Tiz ran over. She knelt by the dying girl.
"Are you okay?"
"Yep. Don't worry about me kid. Just go back to your normal life."
Tiz shook her head as tears came to her eyes. The girl smiled softly and grunted as Tiz pulled the kunai out. Tiz put a hand over the wound.
"Don't worry. I'll make you all better. How old are you anyways?"
The black haired girl felt better after a minute and sat up.
"I'm seven."
Tiz laughed and stood up, helping the girl off the ground.
"I'm older! By the way, my name's Tiz."
She held out her hand. The other girl grabbed it and grinned.
"I'm Mae. Can I live with you?"
"Of course."
Mae followed Tiz back to her house. They went into her room. Tiz sat on her bed and looked at Mae who smiled mischievously.
"Wanna see something cool?"
Mae transformed into a katana. Tiz picked her up and swung her around.
"Awesome! Oh! You can be my weapon. I'm a meister. But before we do that, I wanna do something to make sure we never lose each other."
Mae became a human again as Tiz grabbed her hand. She closed her eyes for a moment and opened them again.
"There. I've connected our minds. This link has two purposes. Mind control, and if I ever need eyes and ears."
Mae stared in awe.
"How did you do that?"
Tiz flopped back on her bed.
"My mother was a witch. I mostly inherited my dad's meister abilities though so I can't do everything she does. Plus, I've never even met her." 
Tiz sighed as Mae sprawled next to her on the bed. They looked at each other.
"Let's be best friends okay? That way we'll always be there for each other no matter what."
They fell asleep lying side by side. Both girls smiling.

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