The Witch versus Tiz's Anger

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~Mae's POV~
I heard the cry. We all did.
I grabbed a branch, swung on to it, and climbed to the top. I looked around. Another shout followed.
"No! I refuse to lose!"
My foot slipped and I fell. Right into the arms of Black Star. Blushing, he set me down. He watched me.
"That was Tiz, but where?"
I spun in a circle looking for clues. Another yell. I froze.
"Where the hell is she?!"
I plopped on the ground. There was an explosion somewhere ahead and I smirked proudly.
"Found her." 
I hopped up and took off.
~Tiz's POV~
I dropped from the tree and was instantly surrounded. I groaned.
"You guys really picked a bad time for this."
One second I was upright, the next I was on my knees holding my head. What caused this? Proably getting beat up so badly.
"Don't worry kid. We have your precious boyfriend."
My head shot up.
"You know where Kid is?" 
They laughed at me. One came up behind me and grabbed my hair. I screamed right as something hit me in the back of the head. My scream was cut short as my wavelength exploded outward. Everything went black.
~Mae's POV~ (Yes Again)
That explosion wasn't normal. We got to the clearing just as I saw Tiz's head disappear.
Black Star held me back.
"Usually I would rush in there but we don't know what they're capable of with Kid and Tiz."
I growled and pulled away. Spinning, I slammed my fist into a tree. I felt a hand on my shoulder and stared at Tsubaki.
"It's getting late. We should make camp here."
I fell on the ground. She gave me a granola bar which made me smile. The four of us sat in a circle. Black Star looked at me.
"So what made you guys come to the academy?"
I shrugged.
"I found out I was a weapon."
They laughed. Soul rolled his eyes.
"Well duh, but how is Tiz so skilled with her fighting?"
I chuckled.
"She likes to practice. I mean, the girl can barely sit still for five minutes."
I grinned.
"She's stubborn, wild and kind of fun. She can be hot headed but gets sensitive. Especially when we fight."
Tsubaki smiled at me. I took a deep breath.
"I'm a terrible partner. You guys protect each other. Keep each other safe. My meister ran off and I couldn't even save her. I'm not sure why she puts up with me."
"You're my best friend Mae."
We all jumped. Tiz stood before us, but she wasn't actually there either.
"You guys better get here quick. I'm literally half a mile away. Kid is sitting next to me. He's the only reason I'm here now. My head is killing me. Hurry!"
She disappeared, making me stand.
"Let's go."
We took off. The place really was only half a mile away. Guards waited for us outside the building.
"Soul! Go with Mae! We'll handle out here!"
Soul grabbed my arm, tugging me behind him. I was panting slightly from all the running. There were more guards inside. We took care of them and moved toward the dungeon.
"How big is this place?"
Soul shrugged. We stopped at the bottom of the steps. More guards than before. I looked past them and saw a door. Soul must have seen it too.
"Go. I'll hold them off."
My jaw dropped. 
"Soul's never alone."
We turned to see Maka. Soul transformed and I took off.
I banged on the door.
"Mae! Stand back!"
Tiz's voice was faint. I stepped back just as the door was dented.
I laughed and opened it.
"You made that easier."
Kid's head was in Tiz's lap. His coat around her shoulders. She smiled weakly.
"He used the last of his energy helping me send that message."
Kid's eyes fluttered open. He sat up, watching Tiz.
"We need to get you out of here."
I looked behind us. No guards were in sight. I turned back to the others.
"Maka and Soul are down the hall. Black Star and Tsubaki should still be outside." 
Kid lifted Tiz, following me down the hall. Halfway there I heard a voice. Then I saw it's owner.
"Trying to take my toy from me? I don't think so, Missy."
~Tiz's POV~
I scowled at the witch, Raine. Her blue hair hung over one shoulder as she grinned mischievously. Seconds later, I felt ice pelting me. I fell out of Kid's arms and had them take shelter.
"Tiz! Mae's drowning."
I heard gagging and gasping from my best friend. I snapped. Big time.
"You can hurt me all you want but if you touch my best friend, you die!"
I tackled the witch, punching and kicking until I fell over, drowning from the inside. My scream erupted as my soul wavelength. It ended up being aimed at Raine luckily. I groaned, happy that I could breathe. Mae ran over.
"You okay?"
We managed to get outside with the others before my world went black.

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