The asking

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After tommy tells you that you have the biggest smile on your face walking down to your first class while walking you run into sapnap and he tells you that karl is waiting for me at the water fountain. You feel your self turning red and so you take a breath until you feel more relaxed and you turn the hall and see everyone even tommy and tubbo ans they are all in a line and one by one they hand you a rose with a paper with a word on it and once you finish it spells out "Do you wanna hang out after school-karl" and at the very end of the hall you karl standing there with a cartoon hoodie and black jeans you walk to hi and he says "y/n I know we havent talked alot but I wanna get to know you a little better" you try not to blush and say yes and he hugs you and you hear quackity and sapnap cheering and karl giggles while he comes out of the hug and he tells you "ill tell you where were going after school but if I could have your number if you get lost or anything" you smile and tell him your number.

Before your last class you run into tubbo and tommy and tubbo arms your arm and hugs you and says "awww my big sister is getting older" and tommy is fake crying and you start laughing and say "were just gonna hang out and have some fun" and tommy says "ooooo hangggg outttttt oooooo" and laugh and wilbur hears and said "what is this child oooing about" tubbo replies "y/n here has a date" "A date woow jack is gonna be maddddd"-wilbur

You laugh it off and say "well I gotta go find karl now leave me alone" as you walk off you hear them still "oooing" in the distance you find karl and he hugs you and says "hey i was thinking we could go to the park and get some oreo mcflurrys if you want" and obvi you say yes and he tells you he will pick you up around 7pm and you skip of to find tubbo and tommy so you guys can walk home.

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