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 I woke up the next morning and saw that my clock said 7:30. I was really tired but just endured it because I needed to get to breakfast soon. I got up to brush my teeth and get ready for the day. Soon, Shanti woke up and walked over to the bathroom and started brushing her teeth while I brushed my hair. I was surprised that Hermione hadn't woken up seeing as she is always one of the firsts to wake up. I got dressed and went to wake Hermione up.

"Hermione, wake up! You don't want to be late for breakfast do you?" I said.

"What? Wait WHAT? What time is it?" Hermione said. She quickly got up and checked the clock that read "7:42" .

"Oh no, I have to hurry, why didn't you wake me up?!" She said as she ran to her trunk to pick out her clothes.

"I don't know, I just thought that there was a reason behind you not waking up early-" I responded.

"How- why- when would I do that?!"

"I don't know?"

"You know what, it's fine, just wake me up next time" She said, not wanting to argue any further.

Hermione tied her hair up as she entered the bathroom and Shanti was tying the lace on her shoes.

Last night, Ginny had slept over in the Parvati twins' dorm so she wasn't here this morning. I braided my hair so it would get out of my face and then started to make everyone's bed to save time.

A couple minutes later Hermione came out of the bathroom and was putting on her shoes. She finished putting them on and then got her textbooks.

"Thanks for making my bed," Hermione said.

"No problem, ready to go?" I said as I flattened out my skirt.

"Yeah let me just get my wand" She got her wand from her night stand and I opened the door.

We all walked out of the room and headed to the great hall where we split up and went to our house tables. Me and Shanti decided to sit by Rosie Grant, a Slytherin girl that we didn't know much of. I wasn't in the mood to tolerate Draco's remarks or snarky comments so I decided to sit as far away from him as possible. Me and Shanti were just talking and enjoying our breakfast when a certain Hufflepuff came into the room. Shanti's eyes immediately landed on him and stayed there for several moments.

"Are you ok mate?" I asked.

She quickly snapped out of her trance, "No- yeah- I'm fine"

I looked at her and laughed, "So you and Diggory?"

She laughed, "Barely, he doesn't even know I exist"

"I'm sure he does, you should go talk to him"

"And risk me saying something stupid or tripping in front of him? No thanks." She responded.

I laughed and took a sip of my pumpkin juice.

Soon breakfast was over and I was heading over to Potions, where I sat by Evangeline Roberts and I was feeling okay overall. I got to class and sat down, Snape started talking about a love potion that I believe was 'amortentia'. Supposedly it makes you smell who or something you love and can create an infatuation with the most of the time, person you smell.

Snape explained how to brew it and we immediately got to work. I finished first and Snape came by "Very well Ms, would you like to tell the class what you smell when using this potion?" the whole class surrounded my table. No, I don't want to share who I am most attracted to, thank you, I thought.

"Erm- Sure,"

I slouched and inhaled the powerful potion and smelt something unfamiliar.

"I and is that rain? I also smell licorice..?" I said.

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