Welcome Back.

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i would recommend listening to the song while reading this chapter <3
h/c - hair colour


theo drew you both a bath as you rested at the edge of the bed, sore and exhausted from the unexpected events.

you must say you would gladly do it all over again without hesitation. you wondered what he thought? oh what you would do too see into his mind, too see what he wonders, fears and desires but you must give him time to open up, yes you have been best of friends since you were small but that's besides the point.

pulling you out of your thoughts you hear theo walk out from the bathroom still naked, what a sight too see.

"come on my love, let's get cleaned," he softly spoke stretching his hand out for you to take, you gladly obliged his offer to stand and took his hand, his soft skin gently colliding with your own.

after a little stretch of your aching legs you made it to the bathroom, a bubbly bath sitting to the side of the bathroom. Theo stepped inside and rested his back against the tub's wall. you followed along sitting in between his legs, resting your head on his torso as his rested his arms around your waist to hold you. the warm bubbles came up to your shoulders, cradling your aching body, giving you a sense of relaxation.

"you truly make me happy, Y/N." theo hummed whilst trailing water down your exposed collarbone.

feeling at peace with his soothing voice and shut your eyes knowing you were safe.

"you do the same for me theo." you quietly murmured, feeling as if your heart was now fully complete.

"this is going to be a mad mood killer but we have to see my father soon." he sighed, you knowing he never really liked going to see his father.

"i know we do, at least he likes me right." you chuckle softly.

"yes at least he does, don't know why he's so intrigued with you every time we visit his lonely arse."

"oh theo i'm amazing what can i say, of course he's going to like me." you smirk proud of myself.

"yeh yeh come on now let's get cleaned."

you pass him the shampoo from the rack that sat at the edge of the tub. theo squeezes a decent amount into the palm of his hand while you wet your hair for him so he could rub the strawberry bubbly sent into your h/c hair.

you sighed in satisfaction as his slender fingers work their way through your hair going at a slow and graceful pace.

"now move forward and lean back for me so i can wash it out." theo hummed into your ear.

you did as you were told and slipped forward and placed the back of your forearms in the bottom of the tub and titled your head back letting the water consume your hair whole. theo starts to work his fingers gently at your hair getting enough out to still leave the sent there for after.

then after that he moved onto doing conditioner and then washing your body. you did the exact same for him, took some persuasion to switch positions because he's a stubborn bugger but we got there in the end.

"okay there you go my sweet all done." you said cleaning of the last bit of soap off his chest.

"you truly are amazing aren't you, Y/N" theo cooed as he turns to face you.

"well, i do try." you say then kiss the tip of his nose.


time skip - morning.

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