Episode One (pt.2)

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Clover and the Harts walk into the house, all the lights were off and there were lit candles everywhere.

"What's with the candles? Did you blow a fuse?" Mr. Hart asked.

"Don't know, I'll go check." Clover replied nervously.

He quickly makes his way into the kitchen as Qrow comes up behind Mr. Hart wearing a black and silk robe with nothing but tight underwear underneath. 

"Welcome home." Qrow whispered seductively, covering Mr. Hart's eyes, thinking he's Clover.

"Qrow!?" Clover gasped turning the lights on.

"Clover!?" Qrow gasped, seeing his husband on the opposite side of the room.

"Ack!" he shrieked, realizing the one in front of him was not Clover.

He quickly ties his robe, covering himself.

"What is the meaning of all this?!" Mr. Hart asked grumpily.

"Ummm...Qrow here was just...uh, giving you a traditional nomadic tribal greeting. I forgot to mention that my husband was from Anima." Clover told his boss, Qrow smiling and nodding in agreement.

"Oh, that's neat." Mrs. Hart said.

"So, he's a vagabond?" Mr. Hart asked with a sneer.

"Dear, don't be rude!" Mrs. Hart scolded, swatting her husband's arm.

"Excuse us for a moment." Clover said grabbing Qrow's wrist and dragging him into the kitchen.

"What the h*ll's going on!?" Qrow whispered.

"I should be asking you that! I mean I love what you're wearing, like...mmm!" Clover said admiring Qrow's attire.

Qrow blushes under his husband's lustful gaze.

"But...why are you wearing it?" Clover asked.

"Isn't tonight our anniversary? Isn't that what the heart on the calendar is for?" Qrow replied.

"No, hun, the heart is for dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Hart. It's an abbreviation." Clover explained.

"Are you kidding me!? You have military training and I can turn into a crow, one of the smartest birds on the planet; why should any of us have to abbreviate!" Qrow grumbled.

"So...I can assume that dinner's not ready?" Clover asked anxiously.

"Not unless we can find a way to split a roast pheasant four ways." Qrow answered.

"Well...no pressure, honey, but...my job is on the line here, so wrap up that bird and we'll eat it tomorrow. Then get something cooking while I keep our guests entertained. Also, get dressed please." Clover told him.

"Got it, babe." Qrow said with a thumbs up.

Clover kisses Qrow then returns to the living room. When Qrow was sure he was alone, he grabs at the staff-like pendant of his necklace and it starts to glow a light blue color, then a pair of slacks, a white button up shirt, a vest, and a tie appear on his body. He stuffs the necklace beneath the shirt then straightens his tie. Next, he walks over to the wallphone and calls his neighbor.

"Agnes! I need a favor. There was a little mix up with today's events and I need a dinner for four ready in about...five minutes." Qrow said into the phone.

"You'll help? Oh thank you so much, you're a life saver." he sighed in relief.

Minutes after hanging up, there's a knock at the side door. The second Qrow turns the knob, Agnes bursts in carrying a bunch of stuff.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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