Late at Night

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El's POV:

Hi will you up



You there

Wake up

Will: What happen hi

El: does your mom like my dad

Will: Can we talk tomorrow at a necessary time, El?

El: It can't wait it's kept me up 

Will: Ok sheesh

El: So do you think so

Will: Pfft which one

El: Like me and mike

Will: she LOVES him

El: I'm positive he loves HER.

Will: Oh yessssss

El: Can you ask your mom tomorrow if we can come over and we leave em together and then I can have a normal family? Your a brother to me 

Will: And your a sister to me, El. But goodnight we have school 

El: Goodnight, Will I can sleep now like the way he looks at Joyce is obviousssss

Will: Hah yeah and I saw her in his arms when it was movie night with you guys😏

El: Yayyy I'm gonna dream about it now

Will: Bye bye over and out.

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