Yujii Itadori x (GN!)Reader

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Yujii Itadori x (Gender Neutral!)Reader
Warnings: Grammar Issues, Mental Abuse(?)
Type: Angst, fluff
Word count: 460 words
Published: March 16th

Request: N/A

T/N: Hey, This is my first one shot. I hope you guys enjoy and I hope too see you all when I write more ^^


Yujii had known you since you two were kids. He had cared for you, loved you. Sad thing is that you never realized that. He stayed with you when everything went to hell. He stayed when your parents divorced. He stayed. 

"Hey (Y/N)! " Yujii said, running to catch up with you,  leaving the school. "Oh, Hey Yujii. Are you going to club today?" you asked, looking at him. He caught up to you and hugged you, which caused you to be surprised. "No, not today, I'd rather spend some time with my bestie" he said, laughing. 

You both continued walking to your house, only to hear yelling and crashing. You and Yujii started to run to the house and you unlocked the door. What you saw in front of you was terrifying. Your mom being beat by your father. 

You ran towards your father and pushed him away from your mother. "Stay out of this (Y/N)! This is between me and your mother!" he yelled at you. You were taken aback that he yelled at you. He had never yelled at you before. "Why are you doing this..?! Why?!" you yelled back at your father, tears threatening to fall.  "I did this for us! This is that homewrecker's fault!-" your father yelled. "We were family!" you said, now crying. "Hm... We were a broken family..." your mother said, standing up.

"It was OUR broken family...!" you said, looking at your mother. "It was an accident we were to young to fix." your mom said, looking at you. You stared at her, trying to process everything that was happening. Yujii started walking over to you and hugged you, bringing you back to reality.

"But it made us.." you tried reasoning with your divorced parents. You were starting to cry more as you looked at both of them. You wanted to leave. To get out of the situation you were in right now. 

 "No. It made you.." those were the last words before you passed out. 

A few hours had passed after you had passed out. You woke up and saw Yujii sitting by you, waiting. He looked over at you and you saw a smile appear on his face. He hugged you and didn't let go. "I'm sorry for bringing you into this mess, Yujii.." you said, as you hugged him back. "It's fine (Y/n), don't worry." he said reassuringly. 

You smiled slightly and looked out the window. "What happened?" you asked him. He explained what happened after you had passed out. All you could say was "oh". You smiled before saying:

"Thank you Yujii, for everything."


T/N: I hope you enjoyed this! I'm sorry if it was all over the place. I hope to see you all next time! ^^

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