Megumi Fushiguro x Fem! Reader

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Requested by: CollectorOfMystery
Megumi Fushiguro x Female! Reader
Warnings: Grammar Issues, (TW!)Panic Attack
Type: Angst, fluff
Word count: 290 words

Published: March 25th


You were walking around Jujutsu Tech with Nobara and Fushiguro. Nobara and you were laughing and joking around while Fushiguro just watched and smiled slightly. You looked at him and smiled. You, whispered something to Norbara, grabbing Fushiguro's hand and started running somewhere, unknown to him. Nobara watched as you both ran off and smiled to herself. She imply said "Go get him girl" and walked to her dorm. 

*System Glitch* "Y/ up.."

You looked around trying to find Fushiguro, panicking that something happened to him. You ran around the school, trying to find him in all the destruction that was being caused. You cursed under your breathe, not finding him. You ran all over the place, panicking. You ran one last place, the cherry blossom tree. You ran up the hill, seeing his hair, and slightly smiling, until you had reached the top of the hill. What you saw, made you scream is pure horror and sadness. Fushiguro was laying on the grass, dead. 

"Y/N.. Wake up!"

You suddenly woke up and immediately hugged the person who was near you. You started crying and shaking badly. "Y/n, what happened?" Fushiguro asked, worriedly. You looked up at him and started crying more, hugging him more, surprising him. "I-i had a nightmare. I saw y-you dead and everything w-was destroyed." you say, stumbling over your words, not being able to say them without stuttering. All Fushiguro did was listen to you ramble on what happened in your nightmare and assured you that it would never happen. 

 After a while you finally calmed down and started to fall asleep again. Fushiguro started to get up, but you pulled his back down and said "Stay, please..?" He simply sighed and agreed, laying next to you. 


T/N: Sorry this was short this time, I don't know how Fushiguro fully acts so sorry if he was OOC. 

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