Chapter 1- "Sakusa Kiyoomi"

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Third Pov

1 week before the "rumors"

A raven-haired male sat alone in his office chair lightly swinging his leg feeling the little wind. He was creating within circular motion he did while facing down at his computer. The light reflecting upon his skin making him glow, making his beauty be seen. Not many got to see the beauty of Sakusa Kiyoomi and he liked it that way.

Sakusa was more careful of germs and bacteria than most, he loved to stay in his comfort zone his safe place. But the universe had different plans for him. Still staring at his computer the email read that he was scheduled to go to New York sometime this next week. This email was pulling him out of his safe space.

"Damm, why did it have to be somewhere full of so many people?" He questioned

"Ughh let me call Komori," Sakusa said in annoyance, though he would never admit to his cousin. He was always a great help to Sakusa and one of his so-called 'safe people'. Safe people for Sakusa were people that were allowed to touch him, seeing him was rare enough, but touching him was almost impossible.

Sakusa wasn't a germaphobe, he simply just not big on physical interaction & social. He never really liked the thought of dirt and filth.

He started to cringe, ready to throw up on the inside, at the thought of uncleanness. Stopping himself from throwing up he opened his phone going to the contact of his phone.

Looking up Komori's name tapping on the contact, now listening to the ringing sound of the phone. Realizing how dry his throat as he set down his phone on the desk putting it on speaker, the phone still ringing as he walked to his mini-fridge grabbing a drink. He paused swearing his eardrum straight up busted when he heard the calm yet excited voice of his cousin.

"Is the famous Sakusa Kiyoomi calling me, I must be dreaming?"

Komori said with a light-hearted teasing tone. Sakusa rolled his eye getting ready to talk but was stopped when Komori said

" I can feel your eye-rolling right now-'

He took a breath trying to sound sad "Is that any way to treat your beloved cousin" Sakusa already feeling the annoyance building up in his body replied, "Komori shut up,!" Sakusa paused "I can feel you pouting right now", with your big ass head," Sakusa said in a mocking tone imitating Komori's words from before.

"Anyways let us change the topic before I start to get bullied, wassup why you called?"
Komori said in a soft tone, worried about if anything happened to his cousin. Sakusa remembering the reason why he called" Oh! yeah, I'm scheduled to New York sometime next week" He paused preparing himself for Komori soon to be teasing after his next words
" I know you always wanted to go so wanna come?" Komori gasped "Does the big meany remember me wanting to go?"
Komori said teasingly, Sakusa mentally facepalm

" I could always take the offer off the table you know?" Sakusa said annoyed.

"Woah, Woah, Woah no need to do such an irrational thing but yes I would love to go," Komori said, Sakusa lips curl up into a tiny smile at the panicking his cousin was doing a few moments

" Okay good start packing from now before your lazy ass forgets' Komori sighs and begins to talk back "Sakusa it a week away and I'm not a lazy asshole!!"

"Yeah, Komori and I like to play in the mud," Sakusa said sarcastically making Komori sigh "Sakusa shut up before I throw mud on you' Sakusa froze at the thought of how gross making his heartbeat rapidly "Yeah that my sign to leave bye Komori" Before Komori could say anymore Sakusa hang up. Komori hearing the call ended goes into a fit of laughter Komori mumbles in between laughs "that pussy".

After Sakusa phone called with Komori, He got up turning off the lights in His office getting ready to leave his building company with was one of seven.
He turned off the lights in his office staring out the window of his office. right behind his desk was a big window Sakusa being on the top floor has an amazing view of the city.

The cityscape was a constellation of light as if each one was a star of earth. If one could see the light of the soul, the cityscape would be like the starlit black heavens.

Shinning bright but still letting the eyes look still welcoming anyone to see, still pulling people it was like it was telling Sakusa to look. For Sakusa the dark has never looked so mesmerizing. his was one of the many reasons why he liked his company building in Las Vegas.

Sakusa walked downstairs to the back exit putting on a hat and a black mask counseling his face from others. Even though his adoring fans & the paparazzi knew where his companies building was, they could never catch a glimpse of Sakusa well the real Sakusa Kiyoomi.

At his companies, some people were requested when they leave to wear a mask and sometimes a hat. The reason behind this was so no one ever knew where the real Sakusa was or where he was going.

Sakusa had companies in Las Vegas, New York, and Pennsylvania. So the public never knows what state he was in; they never saw the real Sakusa after a TMG on their platforms.

When people would see the real Sakusa in the flesh, the only time was during interviews, book signing, and release parties. Once those were done he would be nowhere to be seen dropping off the face of the planet. Sakusa was more private than the word private.

Sakusa making his car way to his car a Tesla Model X 2021 in black, sighs in relief once sitting in his car seat, taking off his mask and hat putting it down in the seat next to him, starting the car, and driving off to his house.


(Hāto here 🖤)

hey loves, I know this was short but this was like your introduction to the type of character Sakusa is !!! 🦋

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