Chapter 2- "The best kind of spread"

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Sakusa Pov

3 Days Until The "rumors"

Today, Sakusa and Komori are going to New York. Sakusa isn't the happiest about this. There are many people in New York and he heard it wasn't the cleanest place in the world, nonetheless, he was still scheduled to go.

"Kiyoomi just call an extra you to walk around just in case and then you're fine," Sakusa said to himself sighing and rolling over on his bed, Sakusa knew there was a big possibility of things going wrong.

An insider of the company he'll meet up with spread the news that he was "supposed" to in New York City. Luckily for him, the rumors weren't taken so seriously. The insiders didn't have much to prove that they actually worked with the company.

Even though Sakusa most likely will not be stopped or caught. Now he has to call for extra doubles and be more careful than he wanted to. A part of him didn't want to go because he was promoted with disclosed information.

Sakusa looked up at his alarm clock seeing it was 7:30 they had to be at Sakusa private airport at 10:30 but before that, he had to get Komori.
Knowing his cousin he was probably still sleeping, by the time he was done getting ready it would be 10:00, only having 30 minutes to drive there. Even though it was a 45-minute drive there....but fashionably late right?

Sakusa sat upright a little dizzy from such quick movement and feeling the cold wind brush against hid skin. He rolled out a bed, blanket wrapped around him saving him from the cold, Sakusa walked over to the door near his wolf slides.

Sakusa walked along with the opal black porcelain tile flooring, feeling a cold breeze hit against him waking, him up more. He let out a groan, Sakusa definitely wasn't a morning person.

Sakusa walked down the hallway, passing multiple rooms and games and movies area as he made his way to the kitchen/5th living room. Sakusa walked past the tv grabbing the remote as he went to the fridge. He put on the news/weather channel, wanting to know the weather, but he found something else.

"Sakusa going to New York for promoting meeting with Z&S" Sakusa didn't know what to think. He didn't believe the rumors would be taken seriously, there was no proof, he didn't understand why they even reported on it. Sakusa called out "Hey Kate show me the latest trending relating to Me and Z&S"

Kate was Sakusa built-in helper made by Kuzdion company Kemma company one of Sakusa friends and partners. Kate was built to assist him without being an actual person who could spread germs and cause him trouble. Even though it was a risk to have a built-in system, the chance information would be found about where he lived, family, and more. He didn't have to worry about that because Kemma had the best security software on the planet.

"The latest news was Z&S posted 'New promote coming soon! Hint the best kind of spread' posted at 4:00 is last night from the company page itself." Sakusa almost ripped out his hair right there; he was pissed and honestly wanted to call off the whole project now. Sakusa company was known for the saying 'The best kind of spread'. Sakusa knew once he got to New York, many things in the contract would be revised and new rule would be. set in place. If the company couldn't or wouldn't complain. the contract would be over.

Sakusa went to the his fridge which was perfectly organized by calories, just how he liked it he was very exact & particular when it come to what was put into his body. Grabbing even he needed to make himself a fruit salad before getting to pick up his cousin who was probably still in bed.

After Sakusa was done eating he pulled his phone out sending to quick text to Komori.

To Germ Worm 🐛
{ I'm gonna be at your apartment in an hour if you still want to be breathing I suggest you get up}

Sakusa smiled lightly going places with Komori was a struggle but he made him feel more comfortable wherever so it was worth it. Sakusa remember when they were 18 and his  favorite author released a book. He told Komori multiple time throughout the week to pick him up at 9:30 am exactly. So when He ended up being a whole half an hour late. Sakusa threw a bottle of lysol at him then proceeding to beat him with the same bottle.

Sakusa chuckled once more sliding his wolf slides against the floor as He went to take a shower.

Hopefully today goes good


Hey Hāto here

So because this beyond late but The summer is finally coming up and i'm on spring break these next two months are gonna fly by and I soon will be getting a job so what I need to fully invest into my writing please be patience with me

(probably a lot of misspelling)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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