The 8th part

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"Wow, it sure has been a while, you dirty glitch! Or was it only a couple of months? Ehm, whatever. We're reeeally late. A certain someone would be veery disappointed in us!"

The voices kept shouting, all of them blending into one discordant harmony of uncomfortable familiarity.

"How's it feel to have us back, glitchy trash? What's it like, huh? Is it like a hammer slamming down on your skull? Like poison slowly burning it's way through you? Like being impaled by spears? Like-" the voices were cut off by Error crashing from the sheer pressure of all the gruesome questions.

"Darn. Guess we'll never know if we're as annoying as a certain klutzy nurse."

It was an odd thing to say, sure, but Error had heard much weirder things being said by the voices, and he, having crashed, was not in a position to care very much.

Blue had been sitting with Error, looking up at the clouds with a childlike wonder. He was shocked out of his cloud-watching by a loud beeping sound. Error has crashed. The odd thing was that it was relatively calm around here, and Error has never just crashed randomly- Blue looked around in a panic, trying to see what caused error to crash, but was unable to find anything. This only worried Blue further. Was there something he couldn't see? It couldn't be the voices, Fate isn't here... Is Fate here? No, that's impossible. The other humans were being led over to Blue and his currently crashed partner. Stars, this was going to be hard to explain. Blue started to panic. He'd already made a bad first impression, if he screws this up, there's no telling what would happen! Error had completed his reboot, but Blue was panicking too much to notice that his lover had awoken. It was getting slightly out of hand. Error, panicking because Blue was panicking, tried to calm the little skeleton down by placing his hand on the other's head, in a sort of attempted head pat. This caused Error some extreme discomfort, but the discomfort was ignored for the sake of his beloved. Blue turned around, surprised. Error noted the tears forming in his lover's sockets, and quickly attempted to reassure Blue, momentarily forgetting about the traumatic discovery of the voices and Fate returning. Blue could barely refrain from collapsing into a hug with Error, if only to protect his lover from even more discomfort. Fear, anxiety, depression, everything else was irrelevant. In that moment, nothing mattered. In that moment, there were only the two of them. In that moment, there was only love.

Too bad it was only a moment.

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(A/N) I am so sorry that this came out so late. I've been having issues with anxiety, along with the fact that i NEVER DO MY GOSHDARN SOCIAL STUDIES WORK AND THERE ARE CONFERENCES IN TWO DAYS- But, hey it's out now. I really hope that you can feel all the love that I've poured into these characters so far! And also nobody asked but here are some random facts about me! As of January 25th, 2021, I am 13 years old, I identify as non-binary, I use they/them pronouns, I'm demiromantic pansexual, I really like this one friend I have and I don't know how to tell them, and my favorite food is cream puffs. Also Pikachu is overrated, Mudkip is obviously better and I WILL FIGHT YOU ON THIS.

A dumb Fgod Error and gravity falls fanficМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя