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Shouto POV

We walk down the street. Tenya is a few steps behind me with Izuku, while I talk to Ochaco.

"So you've been here before?"

"Yeah." I say. "I snuck out of the palace and came here once. There was a cursed chalice in the Dripping Rose that was drawing all sorts of monsters. I killed a manticore and sent it off with a dragon."

"And the dragon didn't eat you?" She asks, awestruck.

"If you can figure out what a dragon wants and give it to the beast, they won't bother you. The dragon wanted the chalice. We didn't. Problem solved. I came in the winter and jumped out of a tree, out of the sun, so that's what they call me. The Winter Sun. Ah. We're here!"

I open the doors and walk in. Ochaco holds her staff a little closer. Izuku speeds up to walk next to me as I march up to a greeter.

"Hello, welcome to the Adventurer's Haven, how may I help you?"

She sounds bored.

"I'm looking for Neiah Yukkiae." I say.

The greeter perks up.

"Been a while since I've heard that name. I'll take you there."

She leads us through kiosks and booths to a little covered stand in the back. I hand her a silver coin and she walks off.

"I'll need to go through the song, so you guys can wander." I say. "These guys have everything. Just don't spend all your money."

I turn around and slip behind the curtain. Sitting at the table with her eyes closed is a young girl who looks stunningly like my mother.

"Neiah?" I guess.

"Who are you and why are you here?" She asks, not even opening her eyes.

"My name is Shouto. I need to know what you know about the Song of Silence."

At this, Neiah opens an eye.

"All who hear-"

"The Song, who are not part family blah blah blah turn to dust whatever. My mom was part of the family. You are my second cousin."

Neiah looks at me.

"Have a seat."

I sit.

"Why do you need to know what I know?"

She asks, studying me.

"I believe someone is trying to find the Stone so he may use it against the people. I'm trying to find it first so he can't. I'm not going to give it to a royal family, especially not King Enji. When I get my hands on it, I'm going to destroy it. It's too dangerous to have accessible."

"What do you already know?" She asks after a moment.

"Well, the first clue is the Dragon Mountains. There, we talk to the Dragon King and get the second clue."

"That is where we all start, yes. That is correct. Anything else?" Neiah folds her hands.

"The moon keeps her silence, while the sun will scream for light." I quote. "This means we can only travel at night, right?"

"Yes. Until the Sun's light is returned to her, she will hate humanity. We do not expect her light to return anytime soon, however, due to the fact that it runs within your family's veins."

"But we share a family?" I am confused.

"This is a blood I do not have." My hand drifts to my scar. "Yes. Your father's ancestor has stolen the Sun's light. He took it to help an friend steal the Stone of Silence from the Sun herself. The Moon looked over them, protecting them from the Sun's eyes. When the Stone is removed from its hiding place, the Sun's light will return."

"But if the light runs through my veins..."

I look at Neiah in horror.

"Yes." She conforms my worst fear.

"But my family! My oldest brother is finally free, my youngest brother is honorable and virtuous, my sister is expecting!"

"I do not control fate, my dear. Perhaps you can convince the Sun to spare them."

"No!" I say, standing. "I won't accept this!" I feel fire flickering on my skin, but I refuse to think about it. "There has to be another way!"

"There is no other way." Neiah remains unfazed. "Try not to burn the curtains on your way out."

I glare at her and storm away, purposefully singeing said curtains on the way out. I find Ochaco and Tenya looking at crystals.

"Where's Izuku? We're leaving." I nearly spat.

"Shoto, breathe." Izuku walks up and takes my hand. Not the one on fire, the other one.

I oblige and take a few deep breaths. As I breathe, it becomes hard not to cry.

"Come on." He gently pulls me toward the exit.

Ochaco and Tenya follow cautiously. Near the doors, he stops. I follow his gaze and freeze too. Posted on a doorway are a dozen Wanted posters. They're all for the same crimes: thievery, Piratry, assault, and multi-kingdom crimes. The names are a bit ridiculous. Chargebolt. Cellophane. Sound Wave. Alien Queen. Ground Zero. Red Riot. It's the pictures that get me. One picture in particular. Red Riot. It's...


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