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Shouto POV

I am stunned.

"You cursed my family?" I feel emotion thundering through my veins. "That was you?"

King Chandler stood and reached for my hand on the table.

"Shouya, I'm-"

Tenya stands and whips out his sword. He stabs the table just inches from the King's hand.

"Do not touch him." Tenya practically snarls.

The Shifter guards around the room surge forward. Izuku and Ochaco gasp.

"Stop." I manage, rising to my feet. "King Chandler will be given a chance to explain himself. Guards, back down. Ochaco, Izuku, take your seats. Tenya, if he touches me, you have my permission to stab him."

The guards point their weapons.

"Shouya?" Chandler looks sad. He raises his hand and the guards stand down.

"You have cursed my family." I say, my voice steady, thankfully. "You have ruined my mother's life and killed my grandmother. This will not slide. However, I will allow you to explain yourself. Start talking."

Izuku is staring at me with something in his eyes I haven't seen. Maybe awe or fear. Ochaco looks almost terrified, but Tenya places a hand on my shoulder and whispers in my ear.

"Good job."

I nod sharply and King Chandler starts.

"It starts with the Nine Stones of Lore. They're all powerful with strange pullbacks. For instance, the Stone of Silence. Can convince anyone of anything, but can't speak in it's presence."

"What are the Stones?" Tenya asks, me sitting again.

"Well, the Stone of the Sea gives the user complete control over water, but can't get wet."

Izuku pulls out a notebook and begins writing frantically, copying down everything King Chandler said.

"The Stone of Ash allows the user to be fireproof, but its extremely flammable. The Stone of Stone, yes that's what its called, is-"

"Ok that's enough." I interrupt him. "Make a list and give it to Izuku."

King Chandler nodded.

"Well, the stones are supposed to be protected by the Elser Dragons, an ancient breed who can't shift. The Elser have been extinct for several centuries now, ever since your ancestor, King Miloren, killed the last one. Now, the stones are guarded by a series of puzzles. The Stone of Silence, however, is the only one we didn't design. No one knows where it is. We do have a clue. We can't get through the door, though. It needs a gift of the four seasons."

A line of the song comes back to me. Winter has Autumn, Summer and Spring. "I can get in. I have a dagger from Autumn, and a horse from Spring. I will need a Summer Stone, though."

"What about Winter?" Chandler asks.

"I wasn't called the Winter Sun for nothing."

I smile.

"Chandler, you can live, but my friends and I will be taking that clue and leaving. Thank you for your hospitality."

I stand and, exit, the others trailing behind me. 

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