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Shouto POV

I tear down the posters and carry them all the way back to the Dripping Rose.

Eijiro looks different in the picture than he did when I knew him. It's a drawing really, but his face is still recognizable by me. Anyone else would have trouble recognizing him due to the time, but I know the scar over his eye. I was there when he got it. His quirk activated for the first time in his hand and he cut his eye open accidentally.

He looks good. He's healthy looking. His hair is pulled back and he's smiling like I've never seen before.

Izuku and Ochaco are pouring over the picture of Ground Zero.

"It's him." He whispers.

"I don't think so." Ochaco whispers back.

"Ochaco. It's Kacchan. It can't be anyone else."

"Maybe. We may never know."

Their conversation dies.

"I was right." I say. "He's like glue."

"I guess."

Izuku looks over Ground Zero's picture again. He looks angry. But he also looks happy.

"I wonder how they get along."

I notice the sun in the window.

"We should get some sleep. We set out tomorrow night."

Tenya gathers the pictures and sets them with the map. I lay on the bed as Ochaco closes the thick curtains. She and Tenya slip into their cots while Izuku sits next to me on the bed.

"Are you ok?" He asks softly, so as not to disturb Tenya and Ochaco.

"I'm scared." I admit. "Neiah said some things that messed with my head. Plus I always have the nightmares to fear."

I felt the bed shift in the dark and suddenly he was hugging me. I wrapped my arms around him almost immediately.

"Izuku, it scares me. You guys could die on this mission! You could be eaten by dragons or kidnapped by pirates or bandits and be killed! I don't want that to happen to you!" I keep my voice quiet while letting my fears out.

"Shou, we'll be fine. We have you to protect us. As long as you're here, I'm not afraid."

"What about the others?"

"Naturally, Tenya's training makes me feel a little safer. And I'm confident in Ochaco, but you." He sighs awkwardly. "There's something about you. You're kind and caring but also closed off and cold and I just want to be a part of your life. We've found your fiancée and I want you to be happy with him or with whoever you want to be with. I want you to be happy with who you are."

"I'm confused though." I admit, pulling away from the hug gently. I hear Ochaco snoring and Tenya shifts in his sleep. "These last couple of days, I've been more comfortable with who I am, even though I'm pretending to be someone else. How can I be happy with who I am if I don't even know who I am?"

I am crying. Izuku takes my hand and holds it between his.

"I know who you are. You are the person who freed Moraville from the Manticore and the cursed chalice. You're the person who stood up to your father just long enough to get out of the situation. You're the person who took in Princess Momo out of kindness rather than for a price." He pulls me closer to him. "You are Ochaco's hero and Tenya's friend. You are Magnus's Winter Angel and Eliah's best customer. You are a Todoroki. Your family isn't perfect, but you and your siblings share a special bond. You are strong. You are kind. You are you. And you aren't just your name and title. Who cares if you're a Royal, a Noble, or a Peasant. You're my friend. And that's what I care about."

He stops. I can't tell what he's thinking, but I wrap my arms around him and whisper my thanks. He is a better friend than I will ever be. I think back to what Ochaco said.

Anything. No, everything. I think he'd do everything for Shouto.

If Izuku would do everything for me, I will do everything for him. 

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