Chapter 2

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Sirius steeled his nerves. After Regulus's sudden arrival and departure, the Marauders had sat together and decided to visit Regulus the next day. All he had been able to think about the previous night was how the nineteen year old on his doorstep last night was so different from the boy he had left back at Grimmauld Place. More self-assured, confident. And married.

He still couldn't believe that Regulus had gotten married without telling him. Granted, they hadn't been on speaking terms, but him leaving the Death Eaters would have been grounds for reconciliation.

Sirius knocked. Regulus opened the door. In his arms was an infant in a lilac blanket.

"Sirius? Come in. Er, shoes off please," he said, opening the door wide. Sirius, James, and Remus entered. Regulus led them to the kitchen.

"You have a baby," was all that Sirius could get out.

"Reggie, who's at the door," a female voice called out. A girl cradling another infant walked into the kitchen. He recognized her. Afreen Shafiq, a member of the Sacred 28 Shafiqs. She had been sorted into Gryffindor, in Regulus's year.

"You have two babies?" he couldn't keep the shock out of his voice.

"Would you like to hold them?" Regulus asked, clearly amused by his shock.

"You married a Gryffindor?" James asked at the same time.

Afreen spoke up. "Do you have a problem with that?"

James flushed. "Not at all. Just curious."

Sirius snapped out his shock. "I'm an uncle. Merlin, I'm an uncle! What are their names? Can I hold one?"

"Yeah, here you go," Regulus carefully handed him the infant he was holding. "This is Daphne. Afi's holding Rasalas."

"They're why you left early yesterday?" Remus inquired.


"Our friends should be stopping by, but if you don't mind eating with Slytherins, you're welcome to stay for breakfast," Afreen offered. Sirius just nodded.

The baby in his arms started to wake up. She had Regulus's eyes, bright silver, and his jet back hair, while Rasalas looked like Afreen; brown eyes, chocolate hair.

Regulus took Daphne. "Is baby Daphne hungry?" he cooed to her..

Remus walked over. He and James had been by the wall, clearly out of place. "How old are they?"

"Three months. They were born in the winter," Afreen replied, fixing two bottles. She handed one to Regulus. Holding onto Rasalas, she sat on the countertop. "Sirius, how long have you and Remus been engaged?"

Sirius froze. "How did you know about that?"

Afreen laughed. "You have the same exhausted look that Reggie did when our wedding was planned."

The front door opened. A blonde girl with navy streaks walked in, tear tracks on her face, and whispered, "Summer's been captured."

Regulus let out a sharp exhale, while Afreen extended her arm in comfort.

"She's in Death Eater custody," the girl sobbed.

"Reggie, here take Rasalas. Amara, eat something. I'll get her back for you," Afreen grabbed her wand.

"I'm coming with you," Regulus said.

"No, stay here. We've got to finish this."

Regulus turned to the Marauders. "There's a reason I asked you to come, Sirius.'


Regulus led the way to the study. Afreen had picked the color, a Gryffindor red, so he had gotten a silver chair. His favorite part was the furniture, though. Deep chocolate -to match Afi's eyes and hair- bookshelves covering two of the walls and a matching desk. The room had been transformed in three months. Onesies were air-drying by the window, a bouncer was in the middle of the room, loose mittens strewn across the floor.

"Prince Reggie's living in chaos. How the mighty have fallen," Sirius grinned.

Regulus bent to put Daphne in the bouncer. "Naptime, babygirl," he whispered, kissing her nose. He picked up Rasa's bottle, and Rasa squealed with delight. "Welcome to my life," Regulus announced. "Not what you were imagining, right?"

"What information do you have about these Horcruxes, Regulus?" James asked.

"This is something only Sirius can help with actually. While I am friends with the Avery twins, neither of them was their family's Heir, and Sirius learnt more Dark Magic than I did," Regulus responded. He couldn't focus. Summer was captured. Keep it together, Reggie. He let out a shaky breath. "There's a cave off the coast. Kreacher claims that Voldemort hid a Horcrux there. I need help getting to it. Sirius, that's where you come in."

"Your information is coming from that sniveling elf?" asked Sirius. He looked disgusted.

"Kreacher's loyal to me, and he's the reason Afreen is still alive. Would it kill you to show a bit of kindness?" Regulus should have known that dealing with Sirius would have entailed all of this.

"Who tried to kill your wife?" Remus asked.

"Our darling mother," Regulus responded. "We're getting off track here. Sirius, will you help me? Or do I need to do this on my own."

"I'll help you. But the Marauders stay. I'm not doing anything without them. And shouldn't we get Dumbledore involved? He's the one who Voldemort fears, more than anything," Sirius offered.

"Dumbledore is feared by Voldemort, it is true, but I believe that is because Dumbledore alone knows his true identity right. Tristan's been investigating, but..." He paused and swallowed. He could not cry now. There was a task to complete.

"Tristan Lockwood? A Gryffindor?" James asked. "Wasn't he a beater for us?"

"Are you going to rehash this every time I tell you that I have friends that aren't Death Eaters? It's irritating, and it's a waste of time. Please just cooperate and listen. Sirius, meet me here tomorrow morning. But now, let me tell you all I know about where we have to go."


That night

"My head is spinning," Sirius said, kicking off his shoes by the door of their apartment.

"Afreen slipped me a wedding planning file before we left. Maybe this should help," Remus said as he and Sirius collapsed on the couch, and placed his head on Sirius's shoulder before yawning.

"Let me see."



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