Chapter 6

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"Let me get this straight." Tristan said, brandishing his wand and waving it in Regulus's face. "You sauntered off to a cave, nearly died, and told us two days later. For a piece of Voldemort's soul. Again, you didn't think to tell us?"

"Tristan, waving your wand when you know I can't get up from the couch is unfair," Regulus whined. "Let me explain."
"Oh, this better be good."

"Look, I wouldn't even have gotten Sirius involved, but he was a Dark Heir and he had access and knowledge to spells none of you know, and I was going against Inferi, and-"

He was cut off by Tristan, who engulfed him in a hug. "You're such an idiot," he whispered fondly and Regulus smiled. Tristan let go, sitting on the couch across from him.

"How's Summer?"

"Summer's a lot better. Still dealing with the after-effects of Cruciatus, but better."



"How. DARE YOU!" Walburga screamed, throwing her glass of wine at their feet. Afi gasped, and Regulus stepped in front of her.

"You were betrothed to Ariana Lestrange!"

Regulus was seething. "You set me up in an engagement, without my consent, to a girl I'm sure is nice, but I don't want to marry, and what. You expected me to go dancing down the aisle?"

"Watch your tone. I am your mother," Walburga growled.

"I'm marrying Afreen, mother. You can either accept that, or be left heirless." He'd never, ever given his mother an ultimatum before, but this was where he couldn't take it any longer. He loved Afreen, loved her pout after finishing a book, loved the shine in her eyes after Transfiguration, loved the sound of her voice, loved how she saw the dark, scarred mess of his heart and didn't run.

"She's pregnant, isn't she."
Afreen choked on a laugh behind him. "No! Merlin, no!" she wheezed out.

"I still do not approve, Regulus. What will the Lestranges say?" Walburga seemed to have softened her stand after their confirmation that it wasn't going to be a scandalous wedding, but she could still dig in her heels.

"Elopement?" Afreen offered. Regulus snickered.

Walburga pursed her lips. "Such disrespect." She turned to Regulus. "This- this" she stuttered, apparently unable to find a word to describe Afreen.

"Lovely fiance of mine, whom I love very much. I can walk out of here, Mother, leaving you without an heir, or you can approve our wedding and give me my title at eighteen."

Walburga slapped him, her rings drawing blood. "Fine," she spit out. "Meet me here tomorrow. We will discuss this matter tomorrow." SHe turned away, heels clacking on the floor.

Afreen turned to him. "Reggie, you're bleeding. Come on. Let's go home." She grabbed his arm and apparrated them back into their house. Slowly, she pulled him onto the bed, went into the bathroom, and pulled out a first-aid kit. He looked around the room.. They had bought this house together right after graduation, and were slowly furnishing and remodelling it.

Afi sat in front of him, and started cleaning the cuts. "Reggie?" she whispered. "This is going to sting."

He just nodded, trying not to cry. It didn't work. Regulus wiped silent tears from his eyes as Afreen finished bandaging his cheek. She wrapped her arms around him, and he held onto her like a lifeline.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2021 ⏰

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