chapter 55

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Everyone were in on the training, all of them.being determined.

"Guys....i know I wasnt any help last time you defeated that devil, and i might be a underbaked devil myself but I cant tell you this I will do my hardest to become powerful and protect both of my kingdoms and the people in it I care about!" Malachite yelled out.

The team all smiled at malachite "yeah! We know you can do it malachite, your not a devil, your our friend" finral smiled happily.

So it was settled
Yami let the black bulls all go whatever to train.

It was time for the meeting with all the squad captains

Malachite for some reason was running it why? Cus loropechika asked him too. Which made him really nervous and not only that loropechika even told him to where the stupid get up of his. Julius smiled "Aaawww im so proud of you to embrace your role like that, I cant wait for the public to know" Julius smiled happily hugging malachite "h-hey old ...kid back off im only doing this to give a good impression on my new older sister okay? I havent exactly had any blood related family before especially one whos a royal so its all so nerve recking im just glade only the magic knights know" malachite mumbles.

"Neither the leeeess" Julius giggled "im proud of you" he smiled warmly. Malachite looked at julius and blushed all embarrassed and looked away "shut up old man before I squish you" malachite mumbles. "And you still have to tell me whats up" malachite points out. "Of course of course" Julius smiled. Malachite only sweatdropped when he felt Marx straightening him up "look presentable your majesty" marx huffs.

"Right right" malachite nods

As they then entered the room all the captains turning to them "sorry for the wait everyone" marx apologized "great to see you've all made it" malachite states and felt damnatio there already making him stiffen a bit. "Whos this guy?" Jack asked "he looks awfully familiar" William points out "ah yess to introduce myself" malachite mumbles

"Im malachite, prince of the heart kingdom and the devil of the clover kingdom, you all just know me as malachite" malachite shrugged. He didnt like the stare he felt from damnatio and huffs.

Asta stared at malachite with googly eyes he was so handsome to him now that he looked any more.

"Careful if you try to comdem one of my squad mates again I swear, I will-" yami states "its alright captain yami, im the one to summon him so theres no need to fight" Julius states "you were invited?" Yami mumbles. Damnatio sighed and nods "it seems so" he then glanced at asta then at malachite. "Hiding behind a mere title? Of but what a coward would do" damnatio spatted. Malachite looked at damnatio and rolled his eyes.

"Anyways this meeting if about the devil in the spade kingdom, recently some of our magic knights went to investigate" malachite states and went on with letting others talk and the meeting moved forward. "My step sister, the queen...herself is the victim to the devil magicula's curse and she has but one year left"

"Please do everything you can to make your squads stronger we have 6 months time to get this show on the road" malachite states looking at the others."can I count on you?" Julius asked. All the other captains felt like they wanted to atone for their actions and protecting both heart and clover are it.

Malachite huffs as he looked at damnatio "so do you agree to these conditions?" Julius asked looking at the male who nodded. Damnatio agreed to the terms as he stood up and walked to malachite "I will agree with those terms but let this be known I still dont trust you, your still devil scum to me despite the title or your friends opinions, I dont tolerate cowards either" damnatio states.

Malachite glared at him but smirked "trust me inam no coward im facing what pedestal you have placed onto me and prove to everyone that I am no theart I would do anything to protect my friend and family." Malachite states looking at the male. Damnatio looked at malachite closely and scoffs as he started walking out.

Malachite crossed his arms as his finger tapped his elbow in annoyance. He then opened one eye and looked at the captains smiling at him "what?" Malachite raised a brow looking at them. He let julius take the meeting over after that and sighed softly as he stood with the others who were all happy.

Malachite only then got everyones attention by clearing his throat "Julius I have a request" malachite states. Julius lookes at malachite "what is it?" He asked "I would like to be released to train on my own, im going to leave" he states.

"WHAT?" Asta yelled out "can you tell us why?" Julius asked "my power is unpredictable and I dont want to hurt anyone as i train with no one watching or tracking me, I intend on leaving off on my own in a few days time " malachite states. Yami looked at him and smirked "right well I already gave you my orders" he states shrugging. The wizard king looked at malachite and smiled "of course then, if it were to help you i will allow it" julius states "thank you" malachite bowed

Asta frowned and didnt like the idea of malachite leaving on his own to train by himself? Who knows what would happen to him?

Next day

Asta wanted to go back to hage village and asked malachite to come with for old times sake before he left. Malachite looked at him and nods "of course I'll go" he nods

In the end Noelle budged in and wanted to come with for some reason so that was that. Noelle bragged that she and better control of her magic now so she could fly asta there. Tho she was very messy at it they were heading there and then saw yumo heading there two. Asta only then got off the broom and ran the rest of the way to hage.

"Oh asta" malachite mumbles and shook his head a bit. Malachite got off himself and went into his half form and sprinted there after the two "haha!" Malachite smiled as he had tackled Asta in the process. Asta blushed as he saw malachite over him "oops sorry" malachite smiled.

They met up with the father and had heard of Asta and malachite. He was glad they were okay "Aww old man" malachite gushed and chuckles softly.

They all went to the school hage had managed to make for the kids there. Malachite looked at all the kiddos and smiled slightly he was always close to the little ones. Sister lily only then came out and greeted the two surprisingly to sister lily asta didnt ask her to marry him.

Malachite only giggled slightly as he lets the kiddos play with his longer hair. Asta glanced over malachite and sighed then turned to sister lily and was going to say something but sister lily instantly thought it was a marriage proposal and shot a holy fist of love on Asta. Malachite deadpanned a bit then flinched when Noelle came crashing into the scene.

Malachite snickers a bit 'noelle as no chance he's....gonna be interested in me' he thought in his head then blushed brightly 'THAT IS IF HE HASNT ALREADY' he held his face. "You okay malachite?" Yuno asked looking at malachite "oh im fine I just...dont a bit flustered thinking about something" malachite mumbles blushing looking at Asta.

Yuno looked at malachite for a moment about to say something then frowned as he looked down 'im too late arent i?' He thought in his head sadly. He looked at how malachite was looking at Asta and just instantly knew what that look was. Which made his heart ache

After a while sister lily asked the boys and lady if they could teach a class and they accepted it of course.

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