Lost Silver

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Lost Silver:

Real Name: Gold

Age: 14

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Johto Region (Pokémon Universe)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Panromantic/Asexual

Height: 5'3 (Appears 4'7 when in wheelchair)

Weapons: Assorted Pokémon 

Biological Family: Mom, deceased; Dad, deceased.


Proxy Relations:

BEN.Drowned: Video Game buddy, close friend.

Dark Link: Video Game buddy, close friend.

Sonic.EXE: Video Game buddy, close friend.



Lost Silver can be quiet a lot of the time, and easily has the most sense out of all the video game pastas. Although when around friends, he absolutely knows how to laugh. Plays Pikachu in Super Smash Bros.



A boy with no legs in a wheelchair. He wears a hoodie, a baseball cap, and jeans. His eyes are ripped out with a glowing red pupil. He can appear with no arms, but usually doesn't for the sake of convenience. Brown hair and tan skin.






-Pokémon; Despite being from Pokémon Silver, BEN made it possible for him to summon any Pokémon to exist in the Pokémon universe.



-Can't run


-Water (to a degree)


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