A tragic of my childhood

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My mother loved getting me dressed and everyday she would do. She would select her choice and wear me coats or suits richly designed, cloak or capes linen in golden buttons or brooches crystal and diamonds, shirts and pants with hand paintings design, pairs of shoes and boots polished cleared made out of leather, pairs of gloves silk or white.

At the end, she would always say, "Everything suits cause you are of white complexion..."

Well, yeah....I was the most white and fair color skin in the entire palace and like mom use to say all clothes matched up with me.

At the other side, my father gave out lessons himself. Since I was still small so, short lessons worked out.
His Ministers often advised himto take rest during his break times. As a king, to run a kingdom, he worked hard on tthe top of all day but, during short breaks he would spend the two hours with me teaching. He would reply his men that this moment of day is the only time he can spend with his son and he won't regret it.

As I carry on, we mostly hear from normal people ranks and poor once thay Rich and Nobles have the most happiest days of their lives with wealth, no problems, lost of houses, lands on their own names etc. But, I gotta say these are all wrong.
The worse of all sufferings are on the Rich once. It's just that they doesn't appears that way.

"When I grew to six age that was the time when things begin ti change around me. And that was the age I was known by the title of Cold prince of four leaf Ain. And the worse turn of all. I could pour out blood from anyone.

Like I go on, it happened just in the night of my sixth birthday. Gladly, it occurred after the birthday party. It happened in a room.
To be honest, not much of the room I remember it was. It could have been one of the towers of our palace"

"I.....I opened my eyes as a small six boy, my memory call I found my father sitting on the ground.....my father....leaning by a window. Only by his this pose, I coukd call the room was one of the towers cause he was blocking me from the window. I suppose every parnets does this to avoid their kids coming to the edge of height.

However, this part of my memory was something I always feel pain in my heart till my throat. As I write, I can feel my heart beat till my heat just by remember it.
Alas, perhaps... this is way i chosed to write it to find thr calm in my sreams."

"On that night, I filled in fear to find my only father covered in dark blood. He was leaning by the wall with his head hung, left arm holding the right. He was still like a statue but, his head was bleeding, floating down on his cheeck till his chin and dripping on his Royal clothes. The arm he was holding was also wounded and gosh! he was breathing lightly as thou, those were the last once.

I was a little boy, who didn't understand his condition. Who never had a slightest idea of what is blood but, the dark red liquid floating out made my heart squeezed like a form. I sank in fear.

"Daddy......daddy Are you alright?.. Are you fine?"

Those words were the only one I could speak. Just when I lifted my small hands to help him, I got frozen on my ground.
There were sprinkling like crytals, cold ice and had blood stains on them, "Could it be?.....Could it be that I hit him?" I asked myself with trembling hands,

"No, why he?...He's my father!. He's my dad! Why would I hurt him?!"

I was horrified by my act.
Couldn't understand why this happened?.

Why did I do it?!.

What was I thinking?!.

At that part my mind was blocked. My body refused my brain's order and I could do nothing.....cause I was the criminal here....

Then...there something happened. Something that every child is always left priceless to pay back...

My father moved!. He looked up at me and I stunned. He unsteadly learned my condition and then......smiled?

Yes! he was smiling like a father who is enormously happy when looking at their children. He spoke md to me saying,

"Don't worry my child..... I am fine. Just I hit my back hard and can't stand."


"I kno...just don't cry. I'm okay" he smiled and then asked, "could you do me a small favour?"

I nodded.

"Go and call the gurads, will ya?"

"But, I..."
I was hesitating due to the blood on my crytal hands. As I glanced at it, my father asked me to get closer. With shivering feet, I paced on, closer by him.

Gathering up all his strength, he took my hand with the left hand, he covered it with HIS cape, wipped on them, leaving them clean as thou, nothing was there.
"Fa....father?" I called but, he only whispered pleasevand dropped to the ground unconsciously on his side.

"DADDY!!!" screamed the little prince Leo, "DADDY!! DADDY!!"

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