Look (1)

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Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once." Julius Caesar
It was a warm summer evening, I had just got back from a patrol of my hometown of Queens. The tight red and blue suit fell loose as I hit the spider emblem in the middle of my chest. My apartment is quiet as I shut my window, relocking it. The apartment's silence was broken by a sudden gasp from my bedroom doorway.
I spin around to be met by a wide, tear eyes Aunt May, her hands covering her mouth. "Peter? Wha-" She spoke, her voice small. Her eyes finally spelled tears that had built up. May turned on her heels, grabbing her house keys, leaving me alone in the quiet apartment. I tried to run after her but my legs refused to move an inch. My spider-sense suddenly warned me, but instead of its normal buzz, it's a hum. I scan my surroundings but see no signs of danger. Then I picked up the sound of cars slamming their brakes and screams.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I bolt upright in my bed, panting and holding back a sob. I lift a shaky hand to my mouth, taking a shaky breath in. In for 4 seconds, hold for 8, and release that breath for 6. I did that 3 more times before I was semi calm. I look around the room that I was given at Sun Day orphanage, my home for the next 3 and half years. May was killed by a drunk driver crashing. The only light source in the room was the moonlight streaming in from the small window to my right. The night was quiet until I heard a small sniffle from the girl's room down the hall. I carefully step off my bed, as to not make any noise. I crept down the hall avoiding creaky boards. Nudging the door open, I spot Marian shaking with her tiny hands gripping the blankets. "Peter?" she squeakily asks, her soft blue eyes look up into my brown ones. She must have had a nightmare about her parents. Marian came from a teen mom who had horrible anger problems she would often use Marian to destress. "Yes, my cold?" I spoke softly, hoping that the game reference would help to lighten her mood. I successfully calmed her down after about 15 minutes. I gently cover the 8-year-old in the old quilt, before tip-toeing down the hall to the 13th girl's dorms. They had put me in here as I was born in the wrong body, and the owner of the orphan was transphobic. (I hate this word, it's not a phobia, it's hate.) He had placed me with the girls. I sit on my bed quietly to not to wake up the girls. The rest of the night I spent contemplating life, spacing off, while looking at the stars.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Penny !" a forceful voice yells, waking me up from a daydream. I flinch at my dead name before getting up. I wearily went to the front room, as that is where it was being called from. Once there I see Noah Michaels, the person in charge of the orphanage, talking to two people. It takes me only a second of seeing them before I know who they were. The two people were criminals that I had put away multiple times, Carni Kenan and Oliva Kenan. I only knew them as 'Spiderman' had put them away multiple times. "This 'nice' couple are going to adopt you, Penny," Mr. Michaels spoke, a slight growl hidden in his voice. "Hi, I'm Peter," I say, refusing to go by my dead name. The Kenan's look over to Mr. Michaels, confused. Mr. Michaels sent me a death glare, but I held my ground. "Sorry, about that she is confused." Mr. Michaels signed. "We'll take the kid where we need to sign?" Mr. Michaels nodded leaving to grab the papers, Mr. Kenan following after him. "Don't worry darling we'll fix this," Mrs. Kenan growled, my spider-sense spiked as she grinned.


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