His limits

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Hello dearies~~ 

1138 words~ 


Chrollo POV

What the hell am I'm doing.. stalking her doesn't make her love me more if anything I should just make the effort of- 



What is he doing here? I saw Y/n walk out and meet him did they have something- No. she wouldn't she can't when she has me. He's just bumps in my road.


I asked Hisoka to come over because I need help with a job and his cards will be a use and including his nen. 

"Hello Hiso-Chan thank you for coming I really appreciate it."


"Yes that's your nick name is that okay with you?"

"Yes of course~ Now what is it that you need help with my dear kitten~"

"Well I have this job today and killing my target is no problem but there are these little insects that don't seem to mind their own business and it seems that they plan on locking me in the room with my target once I kill him so I need you to use your nen to hold the door open or unlock or whenever just don't let it close. It will be a pain in the ass to get out trust me. And feel free to do what ever you what with those pests." 

"Well~~ It will be my pleasure to help you~ I just need you to do me one favor after then.~" 

"And what's that?" 

"I wan't you to be my partner on the mission we have with Chrollo." This time he sounded not so playful it sounded like lust to me.

"Oh what why is that~ Because it sounds to me that this is more then just a 'pay me back favor.'" I told him playfully he smirked at me as I sat down on my couch in my room

"Well if you must know~ I don't think you think should trust Chrollo."

"I was Chrollo's partner..? How did you know that before me."

Shit.. Hisoka thought "Well let's just say I have my ways~" 

"I see.. Well I need to know who else I'm working with and I thank you for reminding me about the mission I forgot about that.." 

"Mmmm~ Well I know Illumi will be with us so Chrollo will most likely work with Emily and some of the other members. I'm sure he wouldn't do anything." 

"Try me." I turned my head and saw Chrollo standing behind my bar pouring himself some whisky I'm impressed he was there I didn't notice him.

"Hey! Don't pour to much I still would like some." I tell him seeing how he pouring himself half the bottle 

"Got any bourbon?" Illumi said walking out of my room with my bed heading towards the bar

"So I'm guessing knocking isn't a thing now.? And so is privacy." I'm clearly annoyed 

"Your room smells like cookies~" Hisoka adds in

"I know but keep your joker ass AWAY from my weapons room" I throw a ice pic at him as he was walking in that direction but he easily missed it.

"Aww~ so close but not close enough kitten~" "Well let try that again then." I started trowing paper made spears as I was texting on my phone I threw my last one and knew that he was going to start throwing his cards but I easily dodge them heading to my bar getting something to drink still dodging his cards at this point everyone was at least throwing something until Emily walked in stopping our little war we had going on

"THIS PLACE IS A MESS Y/N!" She yells 

"Well last time I checked Hisoka started the war." Illumi said "Well last time I checked Y/n the one who threw the ice pic at me" Hisoka said  "Well I last time checked I don't care I'm going get the maids" she walks out 

"Dad it's impolite to stalk your children company mom says." AT THIS POINT everyone was quite 

"I.. See... Well you spend to much time with your mother." He walks out "Is your friend a staring idiot or is he going to introduce himself." 

"I apologize. I'm Chrollo Lucifer nice to meet you." "Your last name is the same as my brothers. His name is Lucifer MorningStar"

"I see."

"Well I'm here to inform Y/n that her job had been removed."

"What do you mean dad?" I asked

Let's just say the client was removed for your mothers hunger needs. he said telling me Telepathically 

Mr. Morning star ability's  include some of a psychic's which is how the Morning Stars get their powers not only he can read minds but refuses to read his own children's including his family minds for respect of their privacy but when it comes to is daughter having guy friends over somethings tend to change you know how it is with fathers and their daughter's.

I looked at him with a O expression the boys looked at me like I was insane I ignored them and Emily walked in with some maids

"AH MASTER! I DIDN'T DO THIS MESS" Emily yells "It's alright Emilena" My father calls her by her real name not by her nickname "Y/n may I talk to you in privet." Chrollo asks grabbing my hand "I need Y/n at the moment. You'll have to wait Y/n come with me." He turned around walking out my room my dad never gets this mad with my friends so this is new.. 

"Dad is everything okay" I ask "Stay away from him Y/n." He said "Who? there was a lot of 'him's' in my room at the moment." "Chrollo." "Why" "Don't question your father." "But he's my friend!" "I don't care he's not what he seems." we walked into his office "You read his mind didn't you." "I had too I felt his aura all the way in my room that's why I was there. And you know I never watch you when your company is over so that should say a lot Y/n." "Bu-" "BUT WHAT?"

I flinched at his voice he never yelled at me never in my life.. "I r -really like h him dad.. I think I love him..." 

he sighed "Y/n." 

"Yes.." "I'm sorry I yelled at you but you know when I'm being serous. His thoughts about you concern me." "What do you mean dad..?" 

Chrollo POV

I watched Y/n walk away with her father I was so close... why... WHY! WHY DO PEOPLE ALWAYS GET IN MY WAY

"Boss~" Hisoka 

 "What." "Is someone mad~" Hisoka "No." "Lies." Illumi "I didn't even sense him." "Hmm~" Hisoka "Why didn't he ask for your name Illumi and Hisoka" "because he knows me already and Hisoka is a different story." Illumi "He most likely doesn't like you if he had to make an appearance." Illumi "And why is that.?" "Well what did you do to make him come here." Emily said.

Did he know what I was planning to do?

Their Secret (Illumi x reader x Chrollo x hisoka) (on hold till further notice) Where stories live. Discover now