The ending of their dreams

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Sorry for the short chapter and late as well but hope you like it~
657 words~

Start the music^^
Narrator POV:
Everything was grey.
No sighs of life.
She sat up looking in the mirror that was placed on the soft grey grass in front of her.
she looked.. not like her self at all.
white hair red eyes her skin was not the same colour she felt nothing but the soft breeze on her cheeks as her hair slightly twirled around in the air
"Y/n!" she heard in the distance
Closing her eyes once more and opening then again she found herself standing over a corpse. It was a women.
"Y/N!" She heard again.
Looking at her hands she had her original S/c back
"Y/N!" Once more they called.
Turning to the yelling source she sees a girl and three men standing a little ways away from her
"GET THE NECKLACE!" A man with short black hair with a bandage on his head yelled
"What do I do?" Y/n thought "who am I?" She said quietly she couldn't remember why..? Who were they and why are they yelling for me to run?
She looked back to her hands and from her hands and a tall man with black long hair picked Y/n up bridal style and ran to the other three after grabbing the necklace off the lifeless women on the floor.
Y/n was confused she doesn't know what's going on. As a woman and a man with clown looking makeup yelled at each other about not saving Y/n on time
Y/n didn't want to speak she was too scared the man holding her had bloodlust spilling from his body but he seemed to be hiding it but she still felt it. Another man with the wrap that was on his head took his bandage off and looked at Y/n. Chrollo knew what happened and knew Y/n was confused and lost he KNEW if he had shown up 17 minutes early this wouldn't have happened.
"Illumi." Chrollo called out "she'll need our help." "I know." He said "how are you feeling?" Illumi asked Y/n
She looked up her eyes were different they were red with a little of bit of blue in them they weren't the old E/C from before Illumi noticed
"Grey." She said "grey?" He repeated "the grass was grey." Not realising what she meant he just pecked her on the head and said "I'm sorry I was not there" he looked calm but Y/n could tell he was hurting for a man who looked emotionless he seemed to have some feelings
Chrollo POV:
If I didn't get caught up in getting the guards away I could've saved her. If I knew he was going to be there I would've killed him the moment he stepped anywhere near her.
Illumi POV:
"ILLUMI!" is all I hear now.
She needed me.
But I wasn't there to save her.
She was scared and yet I was still waiting for the signal.
"ILLUMI! SILVA! DAD! ANYONE PLEASE!" She yelled over and over
These horrible flash backs are making me mad. this was all his fault I'll find him. And make sure he knows what hell feels like.
Hisoka and Emily's POV:
It's all his fault Emily thought
It's all her her fault Hisoka thought
The two were fighting over who gets most kills and heard Y/n yelling but it didn't sound anything like yelling it was more of a horrified scream that gave everyone chills down their backs
Narrator POV:
They didn't understand. None of them did. This whole time they could've been helping Y/n but instead they were dancing in lala land while Y/n was being followed and stalked and now all her memories are gone and was nearly kidnapped because of their blindness
We'll kill him. They all said

Their Secret (Illumi x reader x Chrollo x hisoka) (on hold till further notice) Where stories live. Discover now