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Kokichi groaned in frustration as he typed his email in for the tenth time,
"Why the hell is it not going through!" he typed it in again and it finally went
through, "FUCKING FINALLY!" he cheered happily. But it didn't last long.
He then watched as his screen loaded on the loading screen, "FUCKKK!" he banged his head on his desk. He got on his phone and scrolled through 'monogram' as he simped over this one person "em0b0y55".

"how can someone be so perfect..waaahh" he looked down at his slim feminine figure and sighed, his pc then made a noise he perked up and cheered once again. "Oh my atua finally!" He watched as his screen did the introduction of the game, "this is boring!!" He whined like a child.


He looked down to his phone as he saw a monogram notification, 'huh?' he thought to himself before he opened it up.

'em0b0y55 has liked one of your photos'

"Fucking Pinch me" he said quietly in an shocked tone, he looked at the photo he liked which was one of him at the café, "okay, let me just not look at my phone Again". He went back to his game and he started to make his character for the game.

Few hours later

He continued playing his game until he got a friend request on there,

'emob0y11 has sent you a friend request'

'Hmm I don't see why not' he accepted it cause he got bored and wanted friends on here, he pm the human out of curiosity and said,

"wassup fucker"

he sent it and waited for a reply. He went back to playing his game until he heard ding once again from the game he looked down and saw his pm on the game come up.

Um hi?

Oh dear lord they replied

Uhhhhhh you replied ( ╹▽╹ )

Umm sure I guess??

Gimmie your discord child nishsh

Um wtf? Why?

Cause why not? So hand it over!

How do I know your not a pedo or an old man?
And what if I don't want too?

Hmmmm seems fair enough~

Fair enough, Insta?
And I'm not a pedo I'm a 5 year old in a 19 year old body loser ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

I just met you now let's play or imma ghost on ya

This bish has the audacity to ghost me (✧Д✧)

Ghost me and your will to live will disappear I'll tell ya that

Wtf m8?
Just join my room and let's play and then I'll consider it even

Fair enough let's play


It's short, I'm sorry it'll get longer but for now it'll be short

edit: dear lord I hate this, also to everyone who commented on the 'fluffing thingy' uh idfk why I even put that. I guess to meme you guys idfk. Anyways this is under editing so things will change here an there-

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