- quatorze

247 8 18


"Hey have you heard of the transfer student?"
"I heard there is a transfer student!"
"I heard he is drop dead gorgeous"

That's all I heard Tuesday morning it's about a transfer student and it's boy, how wonderful another transfer that's a boy it felt like a lot of kids were transferring here this month. I walked to my locker thinking but I got snapped out of it as shuichi decided to come up behind me and scare me, "ahh!" I screeched as I dropped my stuff to the ground. "A-ah sorry!" He said as he dropped down to pick my stuff up people turned and looked at us and I was embarrassed as hell.

After that incident we walked to our classes. I arrived at mine and headed to my seat in the middle of the class and waited for the teacher in which he arrived not long after me, the bell ring and then the teacher started talking. "Good morning class.. today we have a new student in here today so be nice to him, you may come in Suzuki" I froze dead in my seat as I heard that name come from his mouth it made my skin feel a different way.. it itched horribly I felt a almost sick feeling in my stomach.

I got up and ran to the bathroom I didn't even ask or have to see him for me to feel sick, once I arrived at the bathroom a sat in a stall and started shaking badly my anxiety was unstable. "W-wh-y...w-wh-y is h-e b-ac-k" I said through broken sobs coming out of my mouth, I stopped crying once I heard the bathroom door open. "Ouma-kun? Are you in hear?" I heard Rantaro say in a concerned tone of voice, I didn't respond and all I did was pick my feet up from off the ground and try and not make a sound.

He started walking past the stalls and push them open and then he reached mine and of course it didn't open so now he knew I was in here. "Ouma open up please?" He said as he stood infront of my stall I gave in after a few minutes and opened it up, I looked like I just got out of a heartbreak my face was red and puffy my breathing was some what stable and I was a shaking mess. He looked at me with a sad look on his face I felt bad that he had to miss class just to get me "Ouma what happened why did did Kaede text me and tell me you ran out of class?" Wait he knew Kaede, now's not the time.

"I-it's no-thing don't wo-rry.." I responded looking at the ground holding back the sobs that are aching to come out. He didn't take that as an answer and pulled me into a comforting hug, it was nice and warm I loved his hugs but sometimes it feels like a dream come true when he hugs me. I started sobbing into his uniform leaving tear stains on it as well but he didn't tell me to stop. Now I knew why I felt something horrible was going to happen Suzuki was going to of course show up out of nowhere.

"How did he even know I went to this school, how did he find me, how-" I started rambling without realizing and Rantaro shut me up by placing a soft kiss on top of my head which made me feel.. a different way let's put it like that. "Shhh just calm down and then you can explain what happened..okay?" I nodded as a responce before telling him what happened with suzuki.

After telling him what happened he looked at me with a sorry look on his face and pulled me back into a hug, "how could he do such a thing to you, even after you told him to stop he still did it.." he had a mad look on his face. The mood got changed as someone walked in and it was Shuichi he walked in with a huge stain on his white shirt it was purple so I assumed some ran into him with grape juice?

"O-oh hey Rantaro and Ko.." he seemed embarrassed about something but it would be understandable if you had a purple stain on you shirt. "Hey shu, what happened..there?" I said as I pointed to the stain he looked at his shirt in the mirror before back to me and Rantaro "oh..this.. that new damn student freaking did it" he seemed aggravated about it. I couldn't say I was surprised that suzuki did it, he was always problematic so it was understandable.

That was the day I wished I didn't wake up..

The day my life got worst than it already was.


So plot twist go brrr 👁️👄👁️

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