Chapter 1: Finally Summer!

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*Tick, Tick, Tick* Five more seconds. Five more agonizing seconds until you are finally free. You hear the teacher babbling in front of you, but your eyes are glued to the clock above the door. The bell sounds a ring of freedom and you are to your feet in seconds. Apparently everyone else was waiting for the bell, too, for the entire class seemed to jolt from their seats.

~~~~~~~~~Character View~~~~~~~~~

Finally! I grab my books, ready to run. Getting out of the class room was disastrous. The halls were even worse. I don’t know why I was chosen to attend Nations United Academy, the schools mostly full of rich snobs. Not every one here is a snob, though. All around the world, students were chosen to represent their country at one of the largest and best funded schools the world has ever seen. Yeah, the place is amazing, but I am ready for a break. 

The second I moved here I had a house in the “Nations United Village", which was suppose to be the equivalent of a dorm room, and a set four year budget of $400,000, plus my schooling already paid for. Not to mention, the natives of the island were extremely nice.

I made my way to the student parking lot, Alfred had agreed to drive me home today. The car I had bought recently had a flat, and I hadn’t had time to fix it. Since Mr. Jones lived down the street from me, I had agreed to the offer. I glanced around but there was no site of him, so I found a empty bench and waited.

“Ney, (Y/N)” I glance over my shoulder to see a happy Italian boy, approaching me. “Oh, hello Feliciano!” I smiled at him. Feliciano and me became friends the day I arrived from the air port. I was glad to see him, over the year that I’ve been here we’ve became very close.

“Have you seen, Ludwig? He told me to wait for him here.” The Italian chirped to me, I shook my head in response but offered “Why don't you sit with me and wait for him?” Feliciano seemed pleased at my offer and took a seat next to me on the bench.

“What do you plan on doing over summer?” I asked him, starting a conversation. “Ludwig said he’d take me and Gilbert out for drinks, seeing that it’s finally summer.” replied Feli. There were not restrictions on alcohol here on the island. "What do you plan on doing, (Y/N)?”

I hadn’t given it much thought, “I don’t know, Feli. I’ll probably start on my summer project for history.” I was surprised to get a lethargy sigh “What?" I protested “It’s better that I get started sooner than later.”

“Ney, (Y/N). Why don’t you do anything fun? You’re always working, relax a bit.” Suddenly the Italian seem to light up, as if a light bulb had suddenly appeared. “(Y/N)! Gilbert is having a party next Friday! Every one at school is invited, you should come!" he seemed to grin “I’ll be there!"

I was reluctant to agree to such a invitation. Not everyone in NUA liked me. After being forced to look at Feli’s puppy face for a full minute I gave in. Feli seemed over joyed and brought me into a tight hug. “YAY! (Y/N)! I’ll tell Gilbert you are coming, he was wondering if you’d show!”

I sighed, thinking I’d play sick the Thursday and get out of it. But seeing Feli so happy, I gave up. “I’ll come Feli, but if go then you have to promise to be there.”

"Of course!" he replied ecstatically, seeming on cue, Ludwig was spotted coming from the school building. “Ludwig! Guess what! (Y/N) IS coming to the party!” Announce it to the world why don’t you.

Feliciano jumped to his feet, gave a kawaii (cute) stretch and ran to Ludwig. “Ney, Ludwig, can (Y/N) come with us to get drinks?" The large and strong German looked down on me, then ran his hand through his slick blond hair. “Na Ja (Oh well), if she wants to.”

“Sorry, Feli. Alfred is driving me home today remember? My tires flat." Feli seemed to suddenly remember, frown, but then promised to bring me a bottle of what ever tasted the best at the bar. After that, the two of them headed on their way.

I waited for Alfred for a while, I never saw him leave the building. An hour passed, and after no show I decided he might have got detention or something. Surely he wouldn’t have forgotten me, he seemed so eager to drive me home. I expected he would be one of the first to race from the bittersweet jail to begin with.

I better go back inside and see if I can’t find him. I though to my self. For some reason I felt a knot in my stomach. Who knows where he could be, who knows what could have happened.

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