Chapter 3: The car ride home.

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Alfred walked me to his car, a slick red Ford Mustange GT with a dark blue racing stripe followed by smaller white stripes outlining the blue. I was impressed but I didn't dare say anything. He helped me into the car, even buckling my seat belt for me. I held my breath as he leaned over me, clicking the belt in place. Luckily, he didn't notice.

Once he was in the drivers seat, everything was silent. The tension was tangible, I tried to break the ice by small chat. "So...." I had to think of something quick so the basic question popped into my head "So, Alfred. What do you plan to do over summer?"

At first he didn't answer, I thought he hadn't heard me. Then he sighed, "To be honest, I don't know. Haven't really had much time to think about it." His mind seemed to be wondering. I waited a few minutes but the silents was killing me.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked quietly, half hoping he would hear me, but he did and with out warning exploded. I was completely off guard, he seemed so calm before.

"Do assholes like that normally give you hell?" I jumped at his bark, he seemed to demand and answer.  "Uh-...not normally. Or at least..."  I paused and looked down. No, the guys never seemed to bother me, until now. It was mainly the other girls who hurt me. When I first arrived at NUA I was welcomed with hatred. Having no clue what I did or could ave done to upset anyone, I decided to refrain from speaking to many people.

My first day was a mess, some girl pushed me in the hall after first period and a group of the annoying brats dumped their food on me in the cafeteria. If it wasn't for Feliciano I would have quit, right there. I had fled from the public humiliation and raced to try and fix my now ruined uniform, I had just got it that morning. Feli followed, I hadn't noticed him until I found my self lost. I couldn't even find the bathroom, how pathetic. Slumping against the wall, I had reached my breaking point. I already missed home, and began to cry. Feli stopped in front of me, kneeled down and caught my chin.

"Ney, little butterfly. Did some one clip your wing?" his face was full of care and sweetness. From that moment on we became good friends.

I hadn't even realized that I was crying. The car was stopped and Alfred was staring at me. "(Y/N)...." he whispered. Bringing the back of my wrist to my face to wipe the tears way, I replied "I'm fine, Alfred. I'm fine." a lie of course and he knew it, but I tried to convence him, and my self, other wise. 

I glanced up to him, giving the best and brightest smile I could. Of course I looked stupid, but who cared. Alfred seemed to stare at me dumbfounded. "I'll never understand how you do that, (Y/N)." Pausing for a moment I pondered what he could possibly mean. "Do what?"

I felt my face burn slighly as he leaned over to me, taking the side of my face. Using his thumb to stroke away a few remaining tears he answered "Not matter what happens to you, you always smile. You tough it out, and for that I admire you."

I was blushing now, why I don't know but my heart was beating out of my chest. Hopefully he'd lean back and take a damn chill pill, I needed to catch my breath. Instead he did the opposite, he hugged me. Great there when the air I was able to inhail.

I found my self hugging him back, my hands clutched his dark brown jacket some. Closing my eyes I buried my head in his shoulder. Asking what I shouldn't "Why does no one like me!?"  I blubbered the tears finding them selfs once again.

"(Y-Y/N)  I like you! I lo-" He cut him self off, clintching his fist for a moment. "I should go back there and beat those bastards heads in." his voice was like acid.

"Please don't, Alfred." I whimpered, "I've had enough fighting for one day."

He took off his glasses, which he hardly wore, and rubbed his eyes, pinching between them in aggravation. "Fine then, lets get you home before I lose my mind." 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2015 ⏰

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