Chapter 2: Where's Alfred?

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I wasn't that worried, was I. Why would I care? But with a school as grand and as complex as NUA, I was bound to get lost. Why even look, then again he was my ride.

 I scowered the eastern wing, to no luck. I wouldn't doubt it if he was in the guys locker room eating burgers. So I headed to the western gymnasium. Just as I crossed the centeral courtyard, I heard somehting. It sounded like whispering; my skin prickled and I stood on edge.

"W-Who's there?" I called in a weary voice.

"(Y-Y/N)? What are you still doing here?"  Hearing  the soft and meek voice behind me, I spun around to face it's owner, only finding Matthew jumping a bit at my sudden turning. "D-did I s-startle you (Y/N)? I'm sorry." Matt seemed to shake a bit, hugging Kumajirou tightly to his chest. Poor Matthew, he's always been very shy.

"Oh-Uh," sighing of relief, I had assumed that all of the students would have left by now. "No, Matthew...It's alright, What are you still doing here?" By this time the more than half of the school was gone. Everyone seemed frantic to leave, why was Matthew still here.

"Oh...Um...Well I was waiting for Alfred, he borrowed my Chemistry notes for our final exam. He never gave them back, so when I finally comfronted him about it he said that it was his "duty" to return them immediately. So he raced off to his locker retrieve them."

Oh great an adventure. "Do you have any idea where his locker is?" Maybe I could track him down. I highly doubt it takes a full hour to get some papers. Unless he lost them, which seems quite possible.

"1776, if I'm right." He answered, "Uh (Y/N), you don't think something happened do you?" This made me pause, surely nothing happened, right? Everyone seems to like Alfred, and he can take care of him self.

"No, I doubt it. I'll go check his locker, either way." this seemed to reassure him. Matt told me he'd meet me back in the parking lot, I nodded in agreement giving him a sweet smile as we departed. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

1773, 1774, 1775, 1776. But where was he. I glanced down the empty halls, nothing. Defeated, I turned to head back to the parking lot when I hear a noise. "I said take that back you damn bastard!"

It's Alfred, what is he doing!? I stick close to the wall, and peer around the corner. There is three guys surrounding Alfred, a Russian, an Englishman and German. "Ha! Why the bloody hell would you care?" the Englishman scoffed as the German pushed him slightly "She's a damn slut and you know it!" Who are they talking about?

If Ivan, Arthur and Ludwig was to hear them, they'd be dead. All three of them seemed to favor me, especially Ivan, who treates me almost like a little sister. 

"Always hanging around guys, it's obvious!" the Russian almost shouted. "Look! (Y/N) Isn't like that!" Alfred seemed to say, he was trying to keep his cool. It was true that I tended to hang around guys, but thats mainly because all of the girls in this school seemed to have some grudge against me. 

"I wonder what she offered you for a ride home?" smirked the Englishman. "A blow job probably!" laughed the Russian. By this time I was about ready to drop kick some asshole. Alfred seemed rather cool. "I said shut up, I don't want to have to beat some sense into you three."

"Of course! You damn Americans always think you can do what ever the hell you please!" the German seemed to scowl "Maybe it's you who needs a good lesson."  Alfred what the hell are you doing, three against one, it's a no brainer.

The German was the first to swing, Alfred dodged with incredible ease. Jumping back, he smashed his fist into the German who had barely missed his face with his left fist. The Russian caught Alfred off guard and from behind giving him a powerful kick to the back, of course playing dirty. Alfred fell to the ground but just as the German went to stomp him down he rolls quickly to his right, springing back up again.

I was surprised to see Alfred fighting like he was. Of course he was flawless in gym but I had never seen him lose his temper. That normally smiling face seemed to hold a hard and cruel look, his once blue eyes seemed to be taken over bye a icy glare. Being so entranced by his amazing abilities, I had never noticed that I had been spotted.

The Englishman had grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. I fell hard against his body but in immediate retaliation I slammed my knee into his stomach. He released me and I stummbled back. I turned to see how Alfred was fairing and notice that his battle was already finished. Both the German and the Russian were laid in a heap in the corner, Ivan and Ludwig, both would be ashamed.

The Englishman snatched me from behind, "Hmph, What now you American bastard? Gonna protect your whore?"

"For one she's not my whore. Two if you call (Y/L/N) a whore again, you'll be spitting blood in your hospital bed." I was shocked to find Alfred so willingly protecting me. "Why keep protecting her? You must really be smitten." Alfred paused, a light blush crossed his cheeks, but only for a second.

"Let go of her." was his only reply. The English man laughed "Ha! I knew it! How ridiculous, falling for a loose broad!" I lost it, I kicked the guy between the legs, him still behind me. Needless to say he fell to the ground in a pained mess.

Alfred seemed surprised, impressed, and annoyed all at the same time. "Are you alright, (Y/L/N)?" his voice sounded surprisingly cool, for coming straight from a fight. I closed my eyes sighing a 'yes' but suddenly his voice became rougher "He didn't hurt you did he?"

This shocked me, I myself wondered 'Why would you care?' 

"I'm fine Mr. Jones, thank you." I answered softly, I managed a slight smile, but the truth was that the who matter shook me. Why does every one seem to hate me? What did I do? Apparently my face showed my dismay for I felt Alfred's hand softly rest it's self on my shoulder. Being taller than me, I looked up and the strong American man, for a moment I was captivated.

"Hey, don't let them bother you, (Y/N)." his voice has returned to its soft sweetness, but with slight annoyed spark "They're just jealous that you don't pay them any attention, ignore them."

His words were sweet, but I was shocked that he called me by my first name. Normally he called me by my last, since we hadn't really gotten to know each other that well. For some reason it pleased me to hear him say my name.

"Let's just forget about all of this. It summer, I'm tired of being here, lets go." We were half way to the parking lot when I remembered the Chemistry notes. I gulped, "Uh hey, Mr. Jones?"

"Call me Alfred." I paused for a moment but continued "Uh Alfred, does Chemistry ring a bell?" I got a exasperated sigh. "Damn it, I almost forgot again. Wait here I'll be right back." 

After the notes were finally retreived we headed to the parking lot. Matthew seemed very happy to see us. Handing the notes over, Matthew thanked Alfred. "Come on," Alfred said taking my arm, causing a fluttery sensation to start in my heart, "I'll take you to my car."

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