2 - The World Anew.

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Tuning out the chatter and complaints of dozens of ministers was exhausting, to say the least. As Aelin reclined in her chair – more like a throne, actually – at the head of the enormous table taking up the entirety of Ardalan's council hall, she once again wished she were anywhere but in the current predicament. The ministers drove her insane with their incessant groveling and pleas for unnecessary and, frankly, useless revocations of the laws seen as too 'outdated.' This accounted to these types of meetings being considered as a general pain in her ass and something she would never willingly attend.

Since the end of the Valg war many millennia ago,  Erilea had entered an era of connections and diplomacy. Terrasen and Ardalan, being the largest, and by far the most powerful of the nations, commanded the head of all inter-world travel and communication, alternating each decade in representing their world – their realm. Annual meetings, like the current one, were held to discuss all new findings, and despite the fact that nary a minister actually ever left the realm of Erilea...

"Your Majesties! We must adopt a new law that prohibits the emissaries from having sexual intercourse as a way of establishing relations!" This statement was made by a particularly hairy man, specifically addressed to Fenrys.

Aelin promptly glanced at the wolf shifter and broke into maniacal laughter. A few seats down, Dorian could be seen doing the same, albeit a bit more muffled version.

"I don't see a reason for me to change my ways," Fen added, a smirk tugging at his lips. "I have been a fuck-happy ambassador for millennia, and we as a world have yet to enter any inter-realm wars. The way I see it, my approach is perfectly sound, thank you very much!"

Echos of "hear, hear" passed around the eldest members of courts of Terrasen and Ardalan. 

The minister who had posed the inquiry got up in an attempt to continue his argument, but never had the chance to actually voice it, as Fenrys had snuck behind the poor man and, in one quick motion, slipped his hand into the accuser's pants.


"So, what do you think of my technique? Worthy of the ambassador of Terrasen?"


Now every single person in the room was either cackling in mirth of gagging in disgust at the very open display of so-called diplomatic conversation. 

The victim of said strategy, however, was reduced to a stutter-y, beet red mess of haywire hormones and desperate half-complete retorts.

Suffice to say, this meeting was going nowhere. 

Aelin loved it.


geez, this is fun to write~ but... do the characters match their personalities in the books? i certainly tried, though i gotta say, i may have made Fen into a bit of a sex-crazed flirt (just a little bit...)


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