4 - Dunk That Princeling.

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The meeting soon came to a close, climactic as usual. The man who'd pissed off Fen had become the center of an endless barrage of jokes and prods from the male, and nothing of importance had been able to be accomplished, so...nothing abnormal.

As the ministers, advisors, and younger of Erilea's monarchs filtered out of the council room, the salty, ancient, glorious bitches gathered (as they were self-proclaimed by Aelin and Dorian). With the aforementioned duo, Fenrys, and Rowan, left with nothing on their schedules for the rest of the day, a conflict arose. The solution to their boredness?


And party they did. Ten minutes in, the fae males had constructed a canopy of waterproof cloth, through which Aelin was pouring bucket upon bucket of warm chocolate syrup. The king of Ardalan, of course, was busy slurping up the spoils of this delectable decoration, hands behind his head, leaning in a comically awkward backbend to do so.

This garnered him some odd looks from the castle's staff, as they were wholly unused to seeing their king in positions usually associated with a contortionist.

"...Don't ask~" Dorian laughed, causing him to lose his footing and careen backwards towards the chocolate stream. A twisting maneuver found him out of harm's way, and ...

Into Rowan's lap.

Now had this occurred shortly after the end of the war, the fae male would have either soundly whopped him over the head, or thrown him into a wall. Or maybe just cut off his air supply. But now, millennia later, Rowan was well-used to the king of Ardalan's antics, so he simply lightly shoved him away.

Headfirst into the warming vat of chocolate.

"Cuugh, ugh. What was that for, asshole?!" Dorian yelled, spitting chocolate out of his mouth in an attempt to clear his airway.

"Yo, I am the only one who can call my Buzzard an asshole." Aelin declared, stony faced before breaking into a fit of hysterical laughter at the sight of a chocolate-drenched Dorian glaring at her.

"Gods, you guys suck."

"Aren't you being a bit hypocritical here, Princeling?" Fenrys cut in with a smirk. "I remember a certain someone dropped an entire vat of champagne on my queen at last year's annual council meeting."

"That-" Dorian started, then stopped as if reconsidering his words. "Okay, both situations were uncalled for. Let's forget them and just party."

"Yes please! I need to be drunk in the next ten minutes or I think I'm going to forget what a party's supposed to be like. This atmosphere is far too solemn." Aelin declared. Then, with a wink at her mate, "bring out the liquor, fuckers~! Let's make this a night not easily forgotten. Or maybe not we will forget it. Depends on the alcohol intake."

Rowan sighed, "remind me again why I associate with you hooligans?"

"Isn't that what we should be saying, love?" Aelin asked, the corner of her lips twerking up.

"You-!" he exclaimed, then gave up at the expressions on the others faces. "Nevermind, let's just drink the night away."

"Sweeter words were never heard, Buzzard."


not sure if dorian is a chocolate fanatic like aelin or not. went with the latter. im assuming he's just a casual eater. very few can match aelin's love for the stuff. *shrugs*


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