3: Poem

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AN: I don't know why I wrote this, but I was bored, and I did. Then I decided to post it so . . .

Joined quiz bowl last year,

Surrounded by boys, hardly any girls.

Joined the math team,

Girls outweighed by the boys.

Start following business and politics,

See women scattered in a sea of men.

Whenever I look up,

The female is the minority,

The male is the majority.

Whenever I look up at the females,

They constantly work harder,

To reach the top and prove their belonging.

Why is this? Why hasn't this changed?

Women are and should be equal to men.

Our accomplishments are diminished.

Our worth is lowered.

Our esteem is decimated.

For no reason other than to keep power in the hands old greddy men.

It may not be all,

But it is enough,

To oppress half a species,

And make them subservient.

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