6: Going Back to In-Person

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Hi, so for this school year we went back to in-person school. Last year was my first year of high school, but because I was online all year, I didn't really make any friends. So like for the first week of school I just spent time with the one person I knew from my previous school, but then I started to talk more freely with other people and made so many new friends. Now, I have so many friends, even more than middle school!

Because of this school has kinda become my escape. At home there are so many expectations to get the best grades and never waste time and still spend time with family and go to sleep on time, and it just feels like I am being boxed in. However, with school and my friends, I can actually just be myself which is so refreshing after being stuck in my house for a year. At school we can support each other and be productive but also feel free enough to joke around and have fun. My school's campus is also humongous and on a hill so it truly feels a world away from my house and allows me to destress. (SIDE NOTE: I CAN NOT BELIEVE I JUST SAID SCHOOL HELPS ME DESTRESS)

My parents often are short with each other as well and its not unlikely for a bad exchange to snowball into a heated argument that can last a couple of hours or longer. When at home, I often spend time around my parents and whenever they start to get heated try to cool them down. Sometimes it works and I am able to steer the discussion away from whatever they would fight about but other times it continues to happen anyway and I have to sneak upstairs. However, the worst part is when the argument gets intense enough, sometimes they will call me to resolve parts of it for them by asking if whatever is a reasonable action or response and essentially asking me to choose a side. AND I ABSOLUTELY HATE THIS. and also because of this I feel guilty about being happy about leaving the house because I leave my younger brother at home alone with them.

Anyways, thanks for reading my unstructured life update, i just needed to get this off my back and relax

Stay safe and get vaccinated (if possible)!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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