✿ 4 ❀

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"It was the first time something like this happened during my time in Germany. It was a scary moment, that's why I texted you... Sorry about that."
"You acted in a way that was right, Andreas. No need to apologize. But... How did you make the woman listen to your speech?"

Jimin and I were enjoying a windy yet sunny afternoon at the park, him holding a cup of coffee he ordered. The simple bench in the middle of large trees is placed in shade, but the sharp wind never bothered our conversation. The only breaks are when Andreas takes a sip of his drink, trying not to burn his rosie lips in the process.

"Well... I do have a trick. I looked at her directly in the eyes, waited for her to tire herself, and just spoke the truth. Some people say I can have an intimidating stare when I'm offended or angry." Jimin ended the sentence with a giggle.
"You're a very courageous man, Andreas Blau."
"Oh, you can call me Jimin."

"Well then, I would have another question for you, Jimin."
"Mhm?" He looked, interested, whilst busy with a hot coffee sip.
"How do you drink coffee with such ease? I find it quite detestable."
He laughed with a tender smile.

From this moment on, spending time with Jimin Blau made me feel like someone finally understood me along with... well, the rest.

We only meet around once in a few days, but Marwin already saw a change in my mood. "You look like you found an inspiration pillar," he observed. I myself wouldn't be able to understand what that pillar was, but it's none of the matter.

The times we met were simple. Going to each other's houses, having a coffee somewhere, talking about work and plans...

"You better go to sleep earlier. Don't prioritize work over sleep!"

I remember the things he expressed with all his passion, and the way he sips his beverage (when he has one) with furrowed eyebrows the next moment. I find it fun when he switches the language he speaks from German to Korean whenever he intends more discretion. Jimin is very... out there when he gets comfortable.

I also see how passionate he is about his backup dancer career. He travels around the world to participate in multiple music video shoots, yet hasn't been in the south much. It has been around a year since Andreas moved to Germany, just like I've lived in France for a short while – him going to far places in the near future would surprise me.

Jimin is a person who doesn't need words to describe him. His presence itself describes him, if that is logical. That being said, I still have loads of different aspects to learn about him.

His chuckle accompanies the other sounds of the coffee shop. "My house? Oh it's a mess, you do not want to come..."
"I'm sure it will be okay. If the mess is so much of a bother, I can help a little."
He scratches his cheek. "There's no time..."
"Oh. What do you mean by that?"

Andreas sighs deeply. He then looks at his half eaten croissant with a desolated stare, showing a slight pout. "Victor... I'm going to the United States soon..."

The words make me freeze for half a second. I blink in confusion. "What?" "For a shooting." And before I can add anything to this small old word, the young man pushes his plate respectfully to let his head fall in his folded arms. "It's such a shame... I just met you and I already have to go! Ten days isn't a lot, and it's not a bad thing, but..."

"Do not have too many concerns, it's a trip to do what you like best, your work."
"I guess you're right, Victor."

I gently rest my palm on Jimin's arm to reassure him, unsure if it helps or not.
"When is your departure?"
"In three days."
"What do you want to do with your little time?"

He pauses for a moment, suddenly noticing his position and changing it to a more presentable one. He then looks down at the table, gulps, and takes a breath.

"Uhmm... Do you want to hang out and meet one of my friends?"


I'm leaving tomorrow morning. The two previous days have been saved for practice, so today is the only time I have if I want to hang out with my friends.

By friends, I mean a bunch people, which include Hitomi and Victor. Hopefully the three of us will have a good time.

I went to Taehyung's house to pick him up, and we had a little talk on the way to the mall. He said he felt his Korean name was best for closer friends and family, and Victor for his fans and people he meets. As I thought about it, I realized maybe I wanted Taehyung to call me Jimin too, if I call him Taehyung.

He started to... tease me by calling me Mini. And I don't know what, but I know something was done there.

I brush off the confusion I still feel as I wait for Hitomi. And there she is.

"Is that her?" the silly Taehyung asks.
"Yeah, that's kind of why I'm waving."
"Jimin! Hi!" Hitomi greets, close enough to shake my hand.

✿ (first time skip lol) ❀

"Okay so y-you're actually an artist."
"That is correct."
"Please allow me to bow, this is an honor-"

Hitomi, like the funny girl that she is, stands up from the table in front of everyone in the cafe, and bows. I laugh.

"Please, sit down," Taehyung suggests with a shy smile. While I'm still chuckling a bit, she sits down.

"Sooooo, what did you guys buy so far? Jimin?" she says, noticing how eager I (apparently) am to show my stuff.

"Well, I didn't buy a lot today – which contradicts the usual, if you know me – because I don't want too much stuff in my suitcase, y'know. So to begin, there's this suuuuper cute red sweatshirt, and..."

As I keep talking, I see Taehyung looking at me with a rather strange look on his face. He looks... a bit sad. It's strange, because he also has a smile and nods whenever I show another purchase.

And suddenly, I don't want to leave Germany. Home is too good now that Taehyung is here.

Way, way too good.

(a.n.) This story is finally back I'm so happy you can't imagine aaaaaaa anyways yes so expect random updates bc exams :(

but I hope you liked this part! 💙

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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