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It was... courageous. Audacious. Something I had never witnessed before. Even with the riskiness of the delicate situation, he still managed to find the words that the woman chose to listen.

Over the past week, it's been on my mind like a stray cat walks by homes. How did he do that? Just... how?

Yesterday, I called Andreas to invite him to my house; I wanted to talk about it. He said he'd accept with pleasure if he had more spare time in his schedule, so that's why he's coming in today. And of course, he was euphoric about the idea of seeing how I work.

It flatters, it really does.

And now, I'm feeding dinner to Tani who's always very enthusiastic about food.

My dog, who I named Yeontan but keep nicknaming Tani, is my little friend that I adopted three years ago, when I was 19 and he was about a month old. As an adult, I wanted to enhance this ability of taking care of someone for when I'll be married and have kids.

Will I get married though? With that strange orientation?
My thoughts are cut by the sound of the doorbell. Andreas.

After storing Tani's food, I skedaddle to the main entrance, but don't reach the door just yet. I'm hesitating... There is someone behind this door, and they are waiting...

Frozen in place, chills suddenly run by my spine. Luckily, Andreas cannot see me stressing, the door doesn't have clear windows. This goes for a few seconds.

Finally, I force myself to move forward and open the door. I've met that person, everything is fine, I told myself.
"Good evening, Andreas. Forgive me, for I..."
"Hello Victor! How are you?" he greets with a light smile.

Andreas has that contagious smile. I don't know how, but it helps me relax.
"Feeling quite relaxed today. Come in, the weather's rough."

Quickly, I hang his jacket while he takes slow steps and looks around the house.
"This place is beautiful!"
"Why, thank you! Make yourself at home."

Jimin takes a sip of his hot chocolate, not too big, for he is afraid of burning his tongue.

"It was actually very scary, I'm surprised the woman even listened..."
"You do have a voice of a tone I never heard before."
"Oh, yeah it's kinda baby. Tsk."
"Do you not like its sound, Andreas?"
"I don't hate it. But I don't like it. Well, I mean... I don't love it. But YOU have a beautiful voice."

The compliment makes me smile in acceptance, but I find myself wanting to change the subject back.
"Thank you, Jimin. It's very supportive of your part. But... Does it happen often, that you speak for yourself?"
"I'm not introverted, or a very expressive person, but yeah, I guess I'm quite loud," he chuckles. "When I need to say something, I say it most of the time!"

I lean my head softly on my hand, my elbow on the couch arm. I wish I could be as confident as Jimin. I wish, in this very moment, that I could tell him the inspiration I get from his bright smile.

But I'm unable, and... this might as well be fine too.

"I do express different emotions through dancing though. And you know... practice is kinda annoying sometimes, but when it's time to shoot, and the lights are on..."

The younger boy puts the cup on the coffee table and stands in the middle of the room.

"That's when all the dancers are there, making all the same moves together while the track plays, and since we're all in the same costume it's almost magical! It can be tiring, and I expect it to be in my next shoot, because it's hard to make these two moves together... It's like... Here I'll show you!"

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