Chapter 3: The Video

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A/N: au has the reader with bisexual experiences, if you are uncomfortable maybe skip this one?

Warm hands shook you awake one – what you assumed to be – morning, several weeks later. Peeling your eyes open, you blinked up to see Brian straddled over your once sleeping form, eyes electric with excitement. "Wake the fuck up, Linda! Sleep is for the weak!"

"Brian?" you asked blearily. Well, really, it was Katya, clad in her signature wavy blonde hair and bright red lip.

"Oh, good, you didn't die in your sleep!"

Glaring sleepily up at her, you tried to shake the foggy feeling from your head. "What time is it?" You turned to the bedside table, flicking on the lamp. "3am? Katya, I may not have died in my sleep, but you are about to die in real life!" When you turned back to her, you were jarred by the look of her. Pinpoint pupils and an erratic look. You put it down to just being late at night, ignoring your immediate anxiety.

"Don't make promises you won't fulfill, девочка!" she chided, still giddy with excitement. You were becoming acutely aware of the weight of her body on your hips, shifting up to a sit. "But this is more important than lurid promises."

Rubbing your eyes, you yawned. "What could be so important that you willingly come in here at 3am?"

A cheeky bring plastered itself over her face. "Well, many things could lure me into your bed in the middle of the night, but tonight is pretty exciting!" You were too tired to catch her insinuation, instead asking her to explain. "Well, you know we did the promo shoot for my new album. We are going to start shooting the video for track one next week and I decided to rope you in." She winked at that and this time you caught it.

But you had more important things to think about. "Katya, I-I don't know. I don't think you want me for this."

Her face turned stern and she caught you by the face with both hands. Immediately your ears turned hot. Her palms were warm and her grip meant business. "[Y/n], I'm not letting you turn this down. You've been doubting yourself for too long, losing too many opportunities. Time to put on your big girl pants and make magic with me."

You wanted so badly to back out, the ache in your ribs was screaming at you to. But maybe the warmth of her hands, the excitement in her eyes or your exhaustion getting to you, because you simply nodded. "That's a yes? Promise?" she asked. You nodded again. "That's a promise! You won't regret this! Thank you!" With that, she leaned in to plant a kiss on your lips, peeling away and giddily fumbling out of your room.

Katya did this a lot. She was a sexual character at her core, you'd been privy to and recipient of many of her sensual dances during a show. One of her trademarks was taking tips out of audience member's mouths and making out with them. But this kiss felt different somehow. Not as sloppy or lurid. More... intended. You shook away the thought quickly, taking a wipe from your bedside drawer to erase the kiss and turn off the light. Rolling over, you tried not to overthink it. Though that, of course, was wishful thinking.

The next morning, you wearily made your way to shower off the exhaustion. 3am. What a douche move. Dressed and minimally more refreshed, ignoring the stinging at your ribs, you padded out to the kitchen to find a hot mug of coffee and your favourite breakfast waiting for you. Beyond it sat a grinning Brian. Pausing at the edge of the kitchen, you glanced between him and the offering.

"What... is this?" you asked carefully. Patting the stool beside him, he beckoned you over. Sliding into the seat, you continued eyeing him suspiciously.

"This is an apology."

You frowned. "For last night? It's fine. I've dealt with you coming home at worse hours."

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