Chapter 14: Lost In The Fog

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You were swimming. No, drowning. You were drowning. But you could breathe. Voices echoed through your cranium. Or maybe there were no voices at all. Something was burning, but the sensation was too far away. Everything was far away. Out of reach. Out of touch. Part of you felt like it was better that way.

Hands were on you. So you thought. Maybe they were yours?

No, yours were fighting, batting those other hands away.

The voices were coming back into focus. Like someone was tuning the radio dial in and out.

You were in water, and it was raining. Right? Drops were burning into your skin, round, fat splashes.

Why couldn't you focus?

Then, through the garbled din of your brain, a voice cut in, clear as day.

"I'm sorry."

What? That was absurd. Nothing was wrong.

You fell back into the strange place in your mind, every sense like bleeding watercolour paints. Somebody kept adding new colour, you couldn't figure out the whole picture.

Again, a voice.

"I love you," it spoke. No, sobbed. Where were you?

"I love you too," you garbled, as natural as day, though you weren't sure who you were saying it to. The hands were on you again. You thought. But you were swimming. The ocean was warm, but the rain was cold. The hands were anchoring you down, stopping you from floating into the abyss.

It was then that your body rippled in a feverish heat, electricity lighting you up and dragging you away from this weird dream state. Everything came into pin point focus as you hurled yourself out of this warm grasp, over the edge of the bathtub and heaving into the toilet. You were crashing down to reality and everything registered in your brain within a split second. You were in a shallow bath of water, the shower head was on above you, Brian had been holding you - it'd been his crying voice you heard. Your body was hitting reset, ejecting the bottles of wine, your ribs were covered in watery blood, and everything hurt. Two pairs of hands shot out to steady you - Brian and Trixie.

The former's hands came up to soothe your back with gentle rubs as you settled to rest your burning forehead against the cool porcelain of the tub, the universe whirling uncomfortably slowly around you. Your hands flexed and clenched rhythmically over the lip of the tub, just trying to gather your wits. Groaning audibly, you blearily glanced up between the men, who looked about as good as you felt. Still not wholly oriented, you had the need to break the tension. "I think my body just took a screenshot," you murmured, dropping yourself back against Brian's chest. Everything was still ebbing around you, you daren't open your eyes.

They at least let go of relieved chuckles, though Brian's sounded more like a sniffle. "You gave us a real scare, Bambi," Trixie said softly.

You waved a weak hand before it heavily dropped back to the water. "S'all good." Brian's arms tightened around you, kissing into your damp hair.

"No, it's not. I shouldn't have left you alone."

You and Trixie both hushed him; "I don't need a baby sitter," and "don't you dare," respectively. He didn't reply, simply holding your otherwise limp form close.

You really didn't want to ask, but you knew you had to. "How bad was I?" you uttered, ashamed. This was exactly what you had wanted to keep him from. You wedged your eyes open to peer up at Trixie, silently begging him to give you a straight answer.

True to form, he sat back on his ankles, previously hoisted up on his knees to keep you from smacking face first into the toilet rim. "I mean, it wasn't pretty, [Y/N]."

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