horror begins and Ends The Movie Dino Thunder My World

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July 12 2021

Kat walked down stairs to go to work till she saw the house . Tommy already left for work .and Kat freaked at what she saw .

The walls read " Tramp , Blonde theif , home wrecker , go back to ur country . u are nothing but a liar , u hated my mom and lied to her . u said u love her forever . u both are going to hell . Evil witch, I hate u ,ur the worst father ever " .Kat had no idea who wrote it. but it was enough for her to call Wesley.

At the highschool

Tommy was teaching his class and J.J was on his way to visit his dad .since he just got back from spd academy.

J.J. I hope dad is OK with class today "

Just then a ranger appeard

Well Kid it's time for ur end. then ur mom for ruining my life ."Blast him with green lightning

J.J what the heck ur bringing mom in this big mistake Dragon zord

He morphed and went to fight with psycho green.

Psycho green How dare u wear that shield and suit. ur not worthy of it fake Oliver.

takes out his dagger and slashes at j.j.  pulls off one of Tommy's moves he had .

J.J. goes to try and block " hey how u learn my dad's move like that .who are you?

Psycho green my uncle Jason taught me all of Dads moves. u are an Oliver that never should have been born. ur just a mistake. closes his eyes and pulls the sword of darkness out to his hand .

J.J. wait did u say dad. if we have the same dad .it will make u my brother. why fight me ? what did I ever do to u ?...

*Looks at him*

Psycho green half brother and older . u and ur mom took away dad from me and my mom "

They keep fighting J.J. now trying not to hurt him.  kids in Tommy s class see and get his attention .Tommy sees so does Dr. Mercer.

Tommy Anton think u can take over the class

Anton sure Tommy I can

Tommy class listen to Dr.mercer okay

Class yes Dr.Oliver

Anton closed the blinds .

Tommy left the class room and hid .used his aura star morpher " white tiger ".morphed into the white ranger *

As they waited Eric and wes showed up at Kat and Tommys

Wes whats the emergency Kat "

Eric if this is a false alarm. we will not take this kindly "

Kat how about my windows broken and back door .plus what is written on my wall"

Eric and wes walked in and looked around. the house and saw what was written .

Eric does Tommy have any other kids that are not from you ?"

Wes the way it looks is a kid is mad that Tommy is with you .not his mom thats why Eric brought it up "

Kat another kid oh gosh. a friend of mine said that she found something. that could ruin my wedding with Tommy. I love him but I love someone else too I just settled "

Wes u knew that a letter exist and u kept it from him

Lights green ,blue ,yellow and pink appeared in the house *

Eric Jen, Lucas, Katie,Trip do we have a mission ?"

Jen we need all rangers from the begining with us now "

Pink Ranger Dino Thunder Stego powerWhere stories live. Discover now