Past Truth Revealed

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July 6 2019

Kim Headed Home From the Mall With Aaden and Breanna .sits down in her and Tommy's home looking at the photo albums. of how much her life has changed being with Tommy . Aaden ,Breeana and Logan her kids with him. She Starts Crying In her room at her Desk .missing Logan a lot he was only two.

Aaden overhears her Cry . he runs to the kitchen and Calls his Uncle Jason.

Trini: Hello ?

Aaden : Aunt Trini

Trini: Hi Aaden How are you ? did u need Something or leave something here ?

Aaden: Is Uncle Jason Home ?

Trini : Yes he is I'll Put Him On For Ya *holds the end of the phone *JASON AADEN WANTS TO TALK TO U

Jason Looks at Trini* Okay I'll Take the Phone trin

Trini :Hands the Phone to Jason .* He Seems worried about something

Jason Nods and answers.* Hey Aaden What's Up ?

Aaden : Uncle Jason My Moms really down. shes looking at the photo albums again.  I Don't Know What To Do ?

Jason : Okay Listen Me and Trini Will Be there Soon .With Back Up Kay . You Try and Make Her Happy .

Aaden: Okay Thanks Uncle Jason .

Aaden: Hangs up and thinks . Okay What exactly am I supposed to do. to make my mom smile. Aaden walks back to his mom room .To check up on her seeing her still crying .trying to think what to do to make his mom Smile .

Jason Grabs Some Duck Tape and Ropes And Puts it in a Bag * Trin Get ur Coat on were going to Kim's Kay .

Trini : What's Wrong Jason ?

Jason Its Time For Help And possibly an intervention.

Trini okay I'll start the car up *grabs her coat puts it on. grabs her purse and Jason's Keys and heads out * Lucas , Xuyén come on we're going to ur Aunt Kim's

Lucas: k mommy *he helped his sister in the car . they sat in the back seat .waited for there parents to get in *

Jason Calls up Zack.

Zack: Hey Man What's up

Jason: Zack Its time for the intervention and more help

Zack: Wait she didn't tell him yet or find Logan Damn This is messed up .

Jason: I Know Grab ur Son daughter and Tuyê't . Me and Trin are heading up to Kim's Now See u there .Jason Hangs up the phone .Zack looks down and Tuyê't Noticed .

Tuyê't Zack What's Wrong ?

Zack we have to go to Kim and Tommy's Jason Just Called .

Tuyê't Zack is she okay is he okay?

Zack Darrel Shanice were going to ur aunt Kim s and uncle Tommy's .Bree time to go and we like need to help Kim. tell Tommy she might be pregnant again . As well as help find Logan

Tuyê't okay I'll get my bag and keys

Darrel K Dad Be Down *Slides down the banister and hops off the end and spins on his shoes on the floor *

Tuyê't Laughs *

Zack Smiles * Darrel Lets Go

Darrel Taylor: Okay Daddy

Shanice and Breanna head outside

Zack , Tuyê't ,Darrel Shanice and Breeana head off into Zack's Car .Drive Down to Tommy and Kim s .while Jason and Trini Were on their way too. they drove for 6 hours till they arrived, at Kim and Tommy's Knocked on the door .All Standing outside Kim got up and went to the door and Answered it .

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