Darling when im fast asleep ive seen this person watching me please help

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Kinda short chapter i rushed, apologies for any errors in advance its midnight rn i typed this on my ipad and i had to attend a funeral after my irl and her mom got murdered but anyways

John: :( why did you save me

Arlo: exactly hospital food is trash

Sera: because u cant die not yetm we havent even graduated

John: does that mean i can die afterwards

Remi: no!

Elaine: yes

Blyke: when are you getting discharged people are treating me like a stand in king rn

Isen: i cant believe im finally the jack

John: *stand in 😊

Arlo: let him live hes trying to enjoy his life

Arlo: a week

Holden: A WHOLE WEEK?/>/%6$

John: its 3 days actually it was a week but we intimidated the doctor and yea

Arlo: if it wasnt for you we could be out today

Remi: wdym

Arlo: the doctor came in and he has so many problems

John: ha


Isen: my name is dr suess and im sleeping with my mistress while my wife is dying in the hospital

Blyke: oh geez

Holden: didnt he like marry her right after his wife died or something

Elaine: rude wtf

John: did you know hitler had a piss and shit kink so he liked women standing above him and um

Arlo: what the fuck


Isen: 😀

Blyke: WTF

Elaine: i

John: oh and also he wanted them to kick him and his tiny dick which only had one testicle

Sera: i did not need to read that with my own two eyes

Arlo: im unplugging your life support

Arlo: everyone say goodbye

Holden: bye

Remi: arlo dont

Blyke: bye

Sera: WAIT

Arlo: ?

Sera: please no

Elaine: aw

Arlo: im sorry seraphina but i must, its for the good of us all

Sera: then can you say something to him before he goes

Arlo: sure

Sera: hey john, i know we've been through alot, but before you go i need you to know that you still owe me $5


Isen: LMAO

Holden: F

Blyke: ....

John: sera i am hurt

John: wait before i go


John: hitler often fucked his neice


Arlo: thats it

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