Testing and Training Part 39

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Saber nods and says" it looks good on you he purrs and asks" Master Weapon Maker have you tested the Plasma Pistol Yet?... The Master Weapon Maker Says" Yes Alpha I have All Weapons Have bean Mead and tested you must show him how to use this Weapon's I know he knows how to use the Spear so ill keep this one back the rest he must learn to tack him into the Training area in the back here are dummies' set up for you... Saber says" thank you Master Weapon Maker He Picks up the Plasma Pistol And says" Hunter Come this way... Hunter Fallows Saber into the Backroom it was a nice size Training area He Could see the Dummies he looks at Saber Giving him his Full attachion... Saber says" First things First keep in mind that the Plasma Pistol Doesn't have a lot of energy and cant be Recharged unless it's in your Holster Only use this if you Really half to The Trigger is ease to Pull He Fires it Hitting his Target Dead center then saber says" With the Plasma Pistol You Aim For The Chats or head only never the back sense it will just bounce off of the Xenomorph's Back Keep in Mind that the Plasma Pistol will Ruffle holds 20 to 40 Rounds don't waste any shots on Drones unless you half to are you fallowing me?... Hunter says" yes Saber I am... Saber says" good here he hands the Plasma Pistol to Hunter and says" hit all the targets in this room watch the kickback as you fire... Hunter Held the Plasma Pistol Stayed It was Slightly Larger and haver than a Normal Pistol But it was ease to hold he used his Black ops training as a Sniper to slow down his heartbeat Before Firing the Gun At the Dummies Hitting Each one in the chest Only Missing one... Saber says" Not bad Not, bad at all know you have seen me use my Wrist blades keep in mine they can be used for Offense and Defense purposes if you hit something with enough Force you can cut right throw it or you can rip their spine and head off of a body... Hunter Remember what Saber did to raven when he killed his father he shives and says" yes I remember... Saber says" then try doing that with these Dummies hit one in the back the other in the Stomach and side then cut one in the neck then rip its head of using the Wrist blades... Hunter dos as Saber asks hitting each one the same way he would though this took more effort and it used up more energy so again he used his training to his advantage by slowing his heart right down then Hunter asks" how was that?... Saber says" your form was a bit sloppy but you did well for your first time keep working on it and you will be a master of your Wrist blades... for the rest of the day the work on his Wrist blades training but sense Hunter was a fast learner it didn't tack him long to master the use of his Wrist blades... Saber says" ok that's enough Rest... Hunter laughs but does as he asks he tacks off his helmet and drinks some water he sees the elder walk in and says" morning Elder... The elder bows his head and says" Alpha we found a planet with the hive on it but other Predators have clam to that planet however they are hunting Criminals humans the planet belongs to the blood clan they have agreed to allow you and Hunter to hunt the Xenomorph they have a new Alpha his name is Turok you must talk to him before you begin you're hunting you Recorded you're vocalizations in hunters helmet right?... Saber says" yes I have my honored Elder And thank you for the information I will talk to Turok Before the hunting can start... the Elder walks away... Hunter says" blood clan? are they more aggressive?... Saber says" more or less yes they are if you can help it try not to speak human too much they don't like human they see humans as slaves even then they don't like them very much For know Lets eat and then rest we Leave tomorrow He Helps Hunter Remove Hunter's Armor Then Says" come on let's Eat... Hunter Fallow saber They Both eat here fill before heading Back to here Room To Sleep The Next morning they Get Grady They Both Put on here Armor And head to the Ship...

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