Chapter 5:Champion

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Everyone watched as Ellie sat down at the table and chugged a bottle of vodka without even getting an eye. Henry had already gotten slightly drunk from his previous drink off against right. Now Ellie was chugging halfway through her second bottle while Henry was just finishing his 4th. People were noticing something: while Ellie was drinking less she was also able to drink more over a longer duration. Henry meanwhile was downing the bottles fast and becoming increasingly more drunk. Then Ellie downed two bottles of vodka in 30 seconds. She was only beginning to look drunk.

Henry: You (hiccup) can't beat(hiccup) me. I'm the(hiccup) vodka drinking champi-(hiccup)-on. I...I...(hiccup.hiccup.hiccup.).

Ellie drank another bottle while he was saying this and only still appeared slightly drunk. She had done the same thing in her life with beer but that was much weaker compared to vodka. Still she knew to just hold in all feelings of puking for now. Henry looked ever increasingly pale and as the clocks hit 6:52 am he suddenly started reaching. Yet he still held in the urge to vomit.

Then at 7:15 when Henry had downed about 32 bottles and Ellie was finishing her 26th Henry grabbed a nearby bucket and let everything out. The bucket(which mind you could probably hold 15 gallons of fluid) was already full in 18 minutes. He lay on the table, passed out as Ellie was crowned drinking champion.

After the party ended everyone went back to their rooms. Ellie went back to her room. Before she got there however someone stopped her. She turned around and saw Burt standing behind Carol.

Carol: Hey Ellie. You did great today. Congrats.

Ellie: Thanks guys. I feel terrible though. What brings you guys here?

Burt: Well you know how the leader passed out. He Uhhh asked to us to deliver you a message.

Carol: We don't know what it is but it sounds important.

Ellie's pov:

I grabbed the letter in her hands fearing what could be inside. A warning. A demotion. Maybe something worse  They went away so I could open the letter on my own. I opened it and inside were 3 things: 2 letters and a bottle. I read the first letter. All it read was that Henry congratulated me on my win against him. It also told me that should I feel hungover in the morning I could use the painkillers. The second letter was eye catching. It read " Due to excellent performance as my right hand lady I, Henry Stickmin, pronounce you miss rose as a complete right hand.". At the bottom was a seal which was exactly like the one from the letter that had told me I would become the right hand lady. I couldn't believe it. I was now going to become the first real right hand of the great Henry Stickmin!!! Safe to say I was amazed. But I was also tired. So after getting ready I went bed.

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