Chapter 11: Henry's secret

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Henry's pov:

I walked back to my room after with another headsplitting pain. My medications were in there and I knew they were the only way to get rid of the pain. It was difficult to see where I was going because most of the lights were off. Still I managed to get back to my room. However I felt for sure someone was following me. Looking back I saw nothing. I walked into my room, grabbed the pack and took out a pill. I walked over to the kitchen, only to hit my head on the door.

Henry: Argh!

My headache exploded ten-fold and it was too much. I sat on the floor with my head in complete and utter agony. Still I managed to get up and walk over to the kitchen. By this point the pain was so bad I had to grip onto the counter to avoid falling on the floor and seizing. That's when the door opened and someone was there. They were using a flash light which was really bright. Unable to take it I collapsed on the ground and started writhing in agony. Then I passed out.

1 hour later.....

I woke up and looked around. I was in my bed. My headache was gone. And right next to me was an empty glass. I looked at the time and saw it was close to midnight. Getting up I thought of what had happened. I had seized. And this time someone (other then a doctor) saw it happen. I wondered who it was that helped me when they saw me seizing. Reginald? No he wouldn't know what to do. Sven? Not likely. He would be at the dance trying to relax.

???: Thank God you're okay. Do you know how hard it was to make sure you didn't kick the bucket?

I looked over and saw at the door a figure. I couldn't tell who it was because I couldn't see them well.

Henry: Who's there? What did you see?

Ellie: Henry it's me. Ellie. You're right hand lady. Remember?

Henry: Ellie? I...whatever I don't care. What did you see?

Ellie: You can't just ignore your problems. Tell me, what's going on?

Henry: It doesn't matter.

Ellie: Yes it does. Tell me. What's going on?

Henry: Fine! I'll tell you! I just have a small headache from time to time. That's it.

She looked me straight into the eye before her next words.

Eliie: Why don't you try get help?

Henry: Because it's not important. What matters is that the clan is happy!

Ellie: Well you can't let yourself diteriorate for it! You need help.

Henry: Oh sure I do. I don't need any help. I'm fi-

Now another headache came over me. It was so unbearable I had to sit down. Ellie went to get some more water and another medication.

Ellie: Well then that's why I'm here right? You're managing the clan. I make sure you're okay.

I knew she was right but at that moment I couldn't even see properly.

Henry: Why....why can't I..

Ellie: See? It's because of those headaches. You've ignored them too long. Just cause you're the clan leader doesn't mean you can ignore you're own health.

I simply nodded while hold my own head trying to not yell from pain.

Ellie: You need to rest for now. Make sure you don't do anything.

I would have done the opposite but at that moment I was too tired too do anything. I simply lay back and ,in an instant, passed out.

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