What Am I?

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Okay, before we start. I just want to gush about how much I love you guys. I can't believe we are almost at 7.5 thousand reads!!! That makes me so happy. You all show this book and my other one so much support. Thank you guys so much!! I love you all so much! Now to the chapter. 

Acalla P.O.V

Everyone stared at Tamlin and Vasati unsure of what was about to happen. 

"Are you insane?" She asked him, "Did you not listen to me at all last night?" 

"Did you just slap me?" Tamlin asked in a low voice. 

"Yes, and I would do it again if I thought it would make you think before words came running out of your mouth," she said exasperated, "What are you trying to do? Be an asshole to everyone so that no one likes you?" 

Tamlin snarled. Acalla knew it was impossible to hurt your mate, but Vasati had just slapped Tamlin. Maybe it wasn't that impossible. 

Tamlin gave her a look that promised a fight if she didn't stop. 

"Fight me, try and we will rehash what happens every time," she said. 

It took Tamlin seconds to launch himself at his mate. 

Thesan and Kallias wrapped their arms around Ryia and Viviane and pulled them back.

Beron jumped from his seat.

Helion just glared at Tamlin.

"Rhysand," Feyre said pointing to the two fighting Fae on the ground. 

Rhysand took a step forward but Kallias voice stopped him. 

"I wouldn't, they do this all the time. Try to get in the middle of it and you will find yourself rolling around with them," Kallias said.

After a few more seconds of fighting, Vasati had Tamlin pinned to the ground. 

"Stop this, stop hurting others," she said almost in tears, "stop hurting me." 

Tamlin looked up at his mate. Saw the tears that he had caused and sighed. 

"I'm sorry," he said to her, "I'm sorry." 

She nodded and made to get up, but Rhysand's anger was still a living thing. Only momentarily stopped by his surprise at what had just happened. 

But as soon as Vasati was off of Tamlin, Rhysand was moving. He snarled and launched himself at Tamlin, who was still on the ground.

"No!" Vasati yelled and tried to move to Tamlin but was stopped when she hit a wall of air from Rhysand. 

Azriel and Feyre went to pull Rhys off of Tamlin. Vasati banged on the wall with her hands. But it did nothing. Mor had Tamlin by the shoulders pulling him back from Rhysand. 

Acalla just sat there unsure what to do. She wanted everyone to stop fighting. So many had been killed already. 

Then everything froze. Like time itself stood still. Acalla wondered if she could move. No one else seemed like they could move. 

Vasati with her hand frozen in mid-air about to hit the invisible wall again. Her face was a picture of pure horror. 

Rhysand with a face full of hatred and rage. Tamlin laying on the floor, blood pouring out of his nose. 

Acalla started to take a step.

She walked over to Tamlin and pulled Mor and Rhysand off of him and put him in a seat. Vasati in her seat next to Tamlin and Kallias. 

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